- tonography
Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.
Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.
tonography — Continuous measurement of intraocular pressure by means of a recording tonometer, in order to determine the facility of aqueous outflow. * * * to·nog·ra·phy tō näg rə fē n, pl phies the procedure of recording measurements (as o … Medical dictionary
tonography — to·nog·ra·phy … English syllables
tonography — n. measurement of the pressure within the eyeball in such a way as to allow a record to be made on a chart of variations in pressure occurring over a period of several minutes … The new mediacal dictionary
tonography — noun see tonograph … Useful english dictionary
Тонография (Tonography) — измерение внутриглазного давления с помощью пишущего тонометра, который позволяет регистрировать колебания давления в течение нескольких минут. Источник: Медицинский словарь … Медицинские термины
carotid compression tonography — a test for occlusion of the carotid artery by measuring the intraocular pressure and pulse before, while, and after the proximal portion of the carotid artery is compressed by the fingers … Medical dictionary
ТОНОГРАФИЯ — (tonography) измерение внутриглазного давления с помощью пишущего тонометра, который позволяет регистрировать колебания давления в течение нескольких минут … Толковый словарь по медицине
Mansour F. Armaly — (February 25, 1927 – August 19, 2005) was a Palestinian physician who was globally recognized[citation needed] as a pioneering researcher in the modern medical treatment of glaucoma. Armaly was born in Shefa Amr, Palestine, prior to the… … Wikipedia
tonometer — noun An instrument used to measure tension or pressure See Also: tonography, tonometric, tonometry … Wiktionary
tonometer — 1. An instrument for determining pressure or tension, especially an instrument for determining ocular tension. 2. A vessel for equilibrating a liquid ( e.g., blood) with a gas, usually at a controlled temperature; originally so named because it… … Medical dictionary
tonografía — Eng. Tonography Forma especial de tonometría basada en el principio de que cuando el tonómetro de Schiötz indenta el ojo, el humor acuoso desplazado causa una elevación intraocular y un aumento de la evacuación del humor acuoso lo que nos… … Diccionario de oftalmología