tonic accommodation

tonic accommodation
тонизирующая аккомодация

Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "tonic accommodation" в других словарях:

  • tonic pupil — (Adie s pupil) a pupil that is dilated as a result of damage to the nerves supplying the ciliary muscle and iris. It reacts poorly to light but contracts normally for near vision, with slow redilation of the pupil on refixation at a distance. The …   Medical dictionary

  • Ciliary ganglion — Nerve: Ciliary ganglion Detailed view of nerves of lateral orbit showing the ciliary ganglion immediately behind the globe of the eye …   Wikipedia

  • Argyll Robertson pupil — Classification and external resources ICD 10 A52.1, H58.0 ICD 9 …   Wikipedia

  • Primitive reflexes — are reflex actions originating in the central nervous system that are exhibited by normal infants but not neurologically intact adults, in response to particular stimuli. These reflexes disappear or are inhibited by the frontal lobes as a child… …   Wikipedia

  • eye, human — ▪ anatomy Introduction  specialized sense organ capable of receiving visual images, which are then carried to the brain. Anatomy of the visual apparatus Structures auxiliary to the eye The orbit       The eye is protected from mechanical injury… …   Universalium

  • Muscle — is the tissue of the body which primarily functions as a source of power. There are three types of muscle in the body. Muscle which is responsible for moving extremities and external areas of the body is called "skeletal muscle." Heart… …   Medical dictionary

  • syndrome — The aggregate of symptoms and signs associated with any morbid process, and constituting together the picture of the disease. SEE ALSO: disease. [G. s., a running together, tumultuous concourse; (in med.) a concurrence of symptoms, fr. syn,… …   Medical dictionary

  • Spasm — A brief, automatic jerking movement. A muscle spasm can be quite painful, with the muscle clenching tightly. A spasm of the coronary artery can cause angina. Spasms in various types of tissue may be caused by stress, medication, over exercise, or …   Medical dictionary

  • List of reflexes (alphabetical) — A list of reflexes in humans. *Accommodation reflex coordinated changes in vergence, lens shape and pupil size when looking at a distant object after a near object.*Acoustic reflex or stapedius reflex or attenuation reflex contraction of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Reflex — A reaction that is involuntary. The corneal reflex is the blink that occurs with irritation of the eye. The nasal reflex is a sneeze. * * * 1. An involuntary reaction in response to a stimulus applied to the periphery and transmitted to the… …   Medical dictionary

  • Quartal and quintal harmony — In music, quartal harmony is the building of chordal and melodic structures with a distinct preference for intervals of fourths . (.Use of the term arises from a contrast, compositional or perceptual, with traditional tertian harmonic… …   Wikipedia

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