- tarsal glands
тарзальные железы
Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.
Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.
Tarsal glands — Little glands in the tarsus (part of the framework) of the eyelids that make a lubricant which they discharge through their tiny openings in the edges of the lids. The lubricant is a fatty substance called sebum characteristic of sebaceous glands … Medical dictionary
tarsal glands — see meibomian glands … The new mediacal dictionary
Glands, meibomian — Little glands in the eyelids that make a lubricant which they discharge through their tiny openings in the edges of the lids. The lubricant is a fatty substance called sebum characteristic of sebaceous glands. The meibomian glands can become… … Medical dictionary
Glands, palpebral — Little glands in the eyelids (the palpebrae) that make a lubricant which they discharge through their tiny openings in the edges of the lids. The lubricant is a fatty substance called sebum characteristic of sebaceous glands. Also known as the… … Medical dictionary
Железы Мейбомиевы (Meibomian Glands), Железы Тарзальные (Tarsal Glands) — небольшие разветвленные сальные железы, расположенные в толще хрящей век. Источник: Медицинский словарь … Медицинские термины
Tarsal gland — A gland located on the inside of the deer s hind leg. This gland consists of a patch of elongated hairs underlain by an area of large sebaceous glands. The sebaceous glands secrete a fatty lipid that adheres to the hairs of the tarsal gland.… … Hunting glossary
Glands, tarsal — Little glands in the tarsus (part of the framework) of the eyelids that make a lubricant which they discharge through their tiny openings in the edges of the lids. The lubricant is a fatty substance called sebum characteristic of sebaceous glands … Medical dictionary
meibomian glands — tarsal glands small sebaceous glands that lie under the conjunctiva of the eyelids … The new mediacal dictionary
glands of Wolfring — small tubuloalveolar glands in the subconjunctival tissue above the upper border of the tarsal plate, their ducts opening on the conjunctival surface … Medical dictionary
Meibomian glands — Little glands in the eyelids that make a lubricant which they discharge through their tiny openings in the edges of the lids. The lubricant is a fatty substance called sebum characteristic of sebaceous glands. The meibomian glands can become… … Medical dictionary
Ciaccio's glands — are small tubular accessory lacrimal glands (glandulae lacrimales accessoriae) found in the lacrimal caruncle of the eyelid. They are located in the upper border of the tarsus, approximately in the middle between the extremities of the tarsal… … Wikipedia