- staphyloma
Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.
Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.
Staphyloma — Staph y*lo ma ( l[=o] m[.a]), n. [L., fr. Gr. stafy lwma, from stafylh a bunch of grapes.] (Med.) A protrusion of any part of the globe of the eye; as, a staphyloma of the cornea. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Staphylōma — (griech.), an der Hornhaut des Auges ein Auswuchs, der aus Narbengewebe besteht und seinen Ursprung einer geschwürigen Hornhautentzündung mit Vorfall der Iris verdankt. Ist nur ein Teil der Hornhaut beteiligt (partielles S.), so kann man das S.… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
staphyloma — n. abnormal bulging of the cornea or sclera (white) of the eye. Anterior staphyloma is a bulging scar in the cornea to which a part of the iris is attached. It is usually the site of a healed corneal ulcer that has penetrated right through the… … The new mediacal dictionary
staphyloma — ˌstafəˈlōmə noun ( s) Etymology: alteration (influenced by Late Latin staphyloma) of earlier staphylome, from Middle French, from Late Latin staphyloma, from Greek staphylōma, from staphylē bunch of grapes + ōma oma : a protrusion of the cornea… … Useful english dictionary
Staphyloma — A staphyloma is an abnormal protrusion of the uveal tissue through a weak point in the the eyeball. The protrusion is generally black in colour, due to the inner layers of the eye … Wikipedia
staphyloma — A bulging of the cornea or sclera containing uveal tissue. [staphylo + G. oma, tumor] anterior s. a bulging near the anterior pole of the eyeball. SYN: corneal s.. anular s. a s. extending around the … Medical dictionary
staphyloma corneae racemosum — staphyloma corneae (def. 2) in which there are a number of perforations from which small portions of iris protrude … Medical dictionary
staphyloma corneae — corneal staphyloma 1. ectasia of the cornea with adherent uveal tissue; called also projecting s. 2. staphyloma formed by an iris which has protruded through a wound in the cornea … Medical dictionary
Staphyloma — Sta|phy|lom, das; s, e, Sta|phy|lo|ma, das s, ta (Med.): beerenförmige Geschwulst am Auge … Universal-Lexikon
staphyloma — n. protrusion of the white of the eye (Medicine) … English contemporary dictionary
staphyloma — staph·y·lo·ma … English syllables