Snellen letters

Snellen letters
Снеллена буквы

Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Snellen letters" в других словарях:

  • Snellen test — n a test for visual acuity presenting letters of graduated sizes to determine the smallest size that can be read at a standard distance * * * determination of visual acuity by means of Snellen test types …   Medical dictionary

  • Snellen chart — A Snellen chart is an eye chart used by eye care professionals and others to measure visual acuity. Snellen charts are named after the Dutch ophthalmologist Herman Snellen who developed the chart in 1862.DescriptionThe traditional Snellen chart… …   Wikipedia

  • Snellen chart — Snel·len chart snel ən n the chart used in the Snellen test with black letters of various sizes against a white background Snellen Hermann (1834 1908) Dutch ophthalmologist. Snellen was director of an eye clinic at Utrecht. In 1862 he introduced… …   Medical dictionary

  • Snellen's chart — The familiar eye chart used to measure how well you see at various distances. Snellen s chart is imprinted with block letters that line by line decrease in size, corresponding to the distance at which that line of letters is normally visible. The …   Medical dictionary

  • Snellen's test type — The letters on the familiar eye chart used to measure how well you see at various distances. The eye chart, known as Snellen s chart, is imprinted with block letters that line by line decrease in size, corresponding to the distance at which that… …   Medical dictionary

  • Snellen chart — the commonest chart used for testing sharpness of distant vision (see visual acuity). It consists of rows of capital letters, called test types, the letters of each row becoming smaller down the chart. The large letter at the top is of such a… …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • Snellen test type — block letters used in testing visual acuity, so designed that the whole letter subtends, at the appropriate distance, a visual angle usually of 5 minutes, and each component part subtends an angle of 1 minute. See also Snellen chart, under chart …   Medical dictionary

  • Snellen chart — noun display consisting of a printed card with letters and numbers in lines of decreasing size; used to test visual acuity • Hypernyms: ↑display, ↑presentation …   Useful english dictionary

  • Chart, Snellen's — The familiar eye chart used to measure how well you see at various distances. Snellen s chart is imprinted with block letters that line by line decrease in size, corresponding to the distance at which that line of letters is normally visible. The …   Medical dictionary

  • Eye chart, Snellen's — The familiar eye chart used to measure how well you see at various distances. Snellen s chart is imprinted with block letters that line by line decrease in size, corresponding to the distance at which that line of letters is normally visible. The …   Medical dictionary

  • test types — Letters of various sizes used to test visual acuity. Jaeger t. type of different sizes used for testing the acuity of near vision. point system t. a near vision test chart …   Medical dictionary

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