- sixth cranial nerve
шестая пара черепномозговых нервов
Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.
Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.
Sixth cranial nerve — The sixth cranial nerve is the abducent nerve, a small motor nerve that has one task: to supply a muscle called the lateral rectus muscle that moves the eye outward. Paralysis of the abducent nerve causes inward turning of the eye (internal… … Medical dictionary
sixth cranial nerve — noun a small motor nerve supplying the lateral rectus muscle of the eye • Syn: ↑abducent, ↑abducent nerve, ↑abducens, ↑abducens nerve, ↑nervus abducens • Hypernyms: ↑cranial nerve * * * noun … Useful english dictionary
cranial nerve — noun any of the 12 paired nerves that originate in the brain stem • Hypernyms: ↑nerve, ↑nervus • Hyponyms: ↑olfactory nerve, ↑nervii olfactorii, ↑first cranial nerve, ↑optic nerve, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
Cranial nerve, sixth — The sixth cranial nerve is the abducent nerve. It is a small motor nerve that has one task: to supply a muscle called the lateral rectus muscle that moves the eye outward. Paralysis of the abducent nerve causes inward turning of the eye (internal … Medical dictionary
Nerve, sixth cranial — The sixth cranial nerve is the abducent nerve, a small motor nerve that has one task: to supply a muscle called the lateral rectus muscle that moves the eye outward. Paralysis of the abducent nerve causes inward turning of the eye (internal… … Medical dictionary
Cranial nerve VI — The sixth cranial nerve is the abducent nerve. It is a small motor nerve that has one task: to supply a muscle called the lateral rectus muscle that moves the eye outward. Paralysis of the abducent nerve causes inward turning of the eye (internal … Medical dictionary
Cranial nerve disease — Classification and external resources Cranial nerves ICD 10 G … Wikipedia
Nerve, abducent — A small motor nerve that has one task: to supply a muscle called the lateral rectus muscle that moves the eye outward. Paralysis of the abducent nerve causes inward turning of the eye (internal strabismus) leading to double vision. The abducent… … Medical dictionary
sixth nerve — noun see sixth cranial nerve … Useful english dictionary
cranial nerve sixth — nervus abducens … Medical dictionary
Abducens nerve — Nerve: Abducens nerve The path of the Abducens nerve … Wikipedia