- secondary glaucoma
вторичная глаукома
Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.
Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.
secondary glaucoma — increased intraocular pressure resulting from a preexisting disease or injury … Medical dictionary
Glaucoma — Classification and external resources Acute angle closure glaucoma of the right eye. Note the mid sized pupil, which was nonreactive to light, and injection of the conjunctiva. ICD 10 … Wikipedia
Glaucoma — An eye condition in which the fluid pressure inside the eyes rises because of slowed fluid drainage from the eye. Untreated, it may damage the optic nerve and other parts of the eye, causing vision loss or even blindness. Two million Americans… … Medical dictionary
Glaucoma valve — A glaucoma valve is a medical shunt used in the treatment of glaucoma to reduce the eye s intraocular pressure (IOP). MechanismThe device works by bypassing the trabecular meshwork and redirecting the outflow of aqueous humor through a small tube … Wikipedia
glaucoma — n. a condition in which loss of vision occurs because of an abnormally high pressure in the eye. In most cases there is no other ocular disease. This is known as primary glaucoma and there are two pathologically distinct types: acute and chronic… … The new mediacal dictionary
glaucoma secundario — Eng. Secondary glaucoma Glaucoma que aparece como consecuencia de una enfermedad ocular previa … Diccionario de oftalmología
secondary cataract — a cataract, usually posterior subcapsular, secondary to some other condition, such as disease (especially iridocyclitis), degeneration (such as chronic glaucoma or retinal detachment), or surgery (particularly glaucoma filtering or retinal… … Medical dictionary
Глаукома (Glaucoma) — заболевание, основным симптомом которого является повышение внутриглазного давления, приводящее к потере зрения. В большинстве случаев никакого другого заболевания глаз у человека не отмечается. Такое состояние называется первичной глаукомой… … Медицинские термины
neovascular glaucoma — a form of secondary glaucoma caused by neovascularization in the chamber angle … Medical dictionary
angle-recession glaucoma — glaucoma secondary to contusion injury of the eye, in which the anterior chamber is deep and the angle recedes, with exposure of the ciliary body, as seen gonioscopically, with blocking of the trabecular spaces; called also contusion g … Medical dictionary
phacogenic glaucoma — phacolytic glaucoma open angle glaucoma secondary to leakage of lens protein into the aqueous humor from a mature or hypermature cataract with subsequent ingestion of the protein by macrophages, which swell and block the trabecular spaces … Medical dictionary