- rotary nystagmus
ротационный, вращающийся нистагм
Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.
Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.
Nystagmus — Rapid rhythmic repetitious involuntary (unwilled) eye movements. Nystagmus can be horizontal, vertical or rotary. * * * Involuntary rhythmic oscillation of the eyeballs, either pendular or with a slow and fast component. [G. nystagmos, a nodding … Medical dictionary
Balance disorder — Classification and external resources ICD 10 H81, R42 ICD 9 780.4 A balance disorder i … Wikipedia
movement perception — ▪ process Introduction process through which humans and other animals orient themselves to their own or others physical movements. Most animals, including humans, move in search of food that itself often moves; they move to avoid predators… … Universalium
Melbourne Summer Cycle — The Melbourne Summer Cycle is a non competitive ride held in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Money raised helps finance the efforts of MS Australia (Multiple Sclerosis). The 2011 event is 40 km and circles the Melbourne city centre and crosses… … Wikipedia
spasmus — SYN: spasm. [L. fr. G. spasmos, spasm] s. coordinatus compulsive movements, such as imitative or mimic tics, festinatio. s. glottidis SYN: laryngismus stridulus. s. nictitans SYN: nictitating spasm. s. nutans 1. SYN: nodding spasm. 2. a fine… … Medical dictionary