- retrobulbar optic neuritis
ретробульбарный неврит зрительного нерва
Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.
Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.
Optic neuritis — Classification and external resources ICD 10 H46, G44.848 ICD 9 377.30 … Wikipedia
optic neuritis — n inflammation of the optic nerve * * * see retrobulbar neuritis * * * inflammation of the optic nerve; the two principal types, named according to the part of the nerve affected, are intraocular optic n. (or papillitis) and retrobulbar optic n … Medical dictionary
optic neuritis — ▪ pathology inflammation of the optic nerve (the second cranial nerve). The inflammation causes a fairly rapid loss of vision in the affected eye (eye, human), a new blind spot (a scotoma, usually in or near the centre of the visual field) … Universalium
orbital optic neuritis — retrobulbar optic n … Medical dictionary
postocular optic neuritis — retrobulbar optic n … Medical dictionary
optic neuritis — see retrobulbar neuritis … The new mediacal dictionary
retrobulbar neuritis — n inflammation of the part of the optic nerve lying immediately behind the eyeball * * * inflammation of the optic nerve behind the eye, causing increasingly blurred vision. When the inflammation involves the first part of the nerve and can be… … Medical dictionary
Optic papillitis — Papillitis Classification and external resources ICD 10 H46 ICD 9 377.31 DiseasesDB … Wikipedia
Optic neuropathy — Classification and external resources ICD 10 H46 The optic nerve contains axons of nerve cells that emerge from the retina, leave the eye at the optic disc, and go to the visual cortex where input from the eye is processed into vision. There are… … Wikipedia
retrobulbar neuritis — optic neuritis inflammation of the optic nerve behind the eye, causing increasingly blurred vision. When the inflammation involves the first part of the nerve and can be seen at the optic disc, it is called optic papillitis. Retrobulbar neuritis… … The new mediacal dictionary
Неврит Ретробульбарный (Retrobulbar Neuritis, Optic Neuritis) — воспаление проходящего позади глазного яблока зрительного нерва, в результате которого у человека наблюдается значительное ухудшение зрения. Если воспаление поражает начальные участки нерва и диск зрительного нерва, оно называется воспалением… … Медицинские термины