reticulum cell sarcoma

reticulum cell sarcoma
ретикулярно-клеточная саркома

Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "reticulum cell sarcoma" в других словарях:

  • reticulum cell sarcoma — n a malignant lymphoma arising from reticulum cells called also reticulosarcoma * * * histiocytic lymphoma …   Medical dictionary

  • reticulum cell sarcoma of the brain — former name for primary central nervous system lymphoma …   Medical dictionary

  • sarcoma — A connective tissue neoplasm, usually highly malignant, formed by proliferation of mesodermal cells. [G. sarkoma, a fleshy excrescence, fr. sarx, flesh, + oma, tumor] alveolar soft part s. a malignant …   Medical dictionary

  • Ewing's sarcoma — A type of bone tumor that occurs in children and adolescents, most often in the large bones of the arms and legs and the flat bones of the pelvis, spine and ribs. The tumor is caused by a chromosome abnormality, called a translocation (an… …   Medical dictionary

  • Avian Sarcoma and Leukosis Viruses — Avian sarcoma and leukosis virus (ASLV) is an endogenous retrovirus that infects and can lead to cancer in chickens. ASLV replicates in chicken embryo fibroblasts, the cells that contribute to the formation of connective tissues. ASLV has only… …   Wikipedia

  • Clonally transmissible cancer — A parasitic cancer or transmissible cancer is a cancer cell or cluster of cancer cells that can be transmitted from animal to animal. They are also known as clonally transmissible cancers .[1] Contents 1 Examples in animals 2 Instances of… …   Wikipedia

  • Orbital lymphoma — Classification and external resources ICD 9 202.8 ICD O: 9710–9719 Orbital lymp …   Wikipedia

  • Devil facial tumour disease — causes tumours to form in and around the mouth, interfering with feeding and eventually leading to death by starvation. Devil facial tumour disease (DFTD) is an aggressive non viral transmissible parasitic cancer which likely originated in… …   Wikipedia

  • Golden hamster — Conservation status Vulnerable ( …   Wikipedia

  • reticuloendothelial system — Immunol. the aggregate of the phagocytic cells, including certain cells of the bone marrow, lymphatic system, liver, and spleen, that have reticular and endothelial characteristics and function in the immune system s defense against foreign… …   Universalium

  • List of causes of hypoglycemia — This is a list of causes of hypoglycemia. Despite its length, it is not necessarily exhaustive, as new causes are reported regularly in the medical literature. In many individual instances of hypoglycemia, more than one contributing factor may be …   Wikipedia

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