recession of ocular muscle

recession of ocular muscle
рецессия мышцы глазного яблока

Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "recession of ocular muscle" в других словарях:

  • recession of ocular muscle — surgical displacement of the insertion of an ocular muscle posteriorly; done to weaken the stronger muscle in strabismus …   Medical dictionary

  • Superior oblique muscle — Superior oblique Rectus muscles: 2 = superior, 3 = inferior, 4 = medial, 5 = lateral Oblique muscles: 6 = superior, 8 = inferior Other muscle: 9 = levator palpebrae superioris …   Wikipedia

  • Inferior oblique muscle — Inferior oblique Rectus muscles: 2 = superior, 3 = inferior, 4 = medial, 5 = lateral Oblique muscles: 6 = superior, 8 = inferior Other muscle: 9 = levator palpebrae superioris …   Wikipedia

  • recesión de los músculos oculares — Eng. Recession of ocular muscle Intervención quirúrgica que se practica en ciertos casos de estrabismo en la que se desinserta un músculo ocular y se implanta en una posición posterior …   Diccionario de oftalmología

  • Sixth nerve palsy — DiseaseDisorder infobox Name = Sixth nerve palsy ICD10 = ICD10|H|49|2|h|49 ICD9 = ICD9|378.54 ICDO = Caption = Figure showing the mode of innervation of the Recti medialis and lateralis of the eye. OMIM = MedlinePlus = eMedicineSubj = oph… …   Wikipedia

  • Duane syndrome — Classification and external resources ICD 10 H50.8 ICD 9 378.71 …   Wikipedia

  • Glaucoma — Classification and external resources Acute angle closure glaucoma of the right eye. Note the mid sized pupil, which was nonreactive to light, and injection of the conjunctiva. ICD 10 …   Wikipedia

  • Graves' ophthalmopathy — Infobox Disease Name = Graves ophthalmopathy Caption = DiseasesDB = 5419 ICD10 = ICD10|H|06|2|h|00* ICD9 = ICD9|xxx ICDO = OMIM = MedlinePlus = eMedicineSubj = oph eMedicineTopic = 237 eMedicine mult = eMedicine2|ent|169 eMedicine2|neuro|476… …   Wikipedia

  • Eye surgery — Intervention Eye surgery in the Middle Ages. ICD 10 PCS 08 ICD 9 CM …   Wikipedia

  • Infantile esotropia — is an ocular condition of early onset in which one or either eye turns inward. It is a specific sub type of esotropia and has been a subject of much debate amongst ophthalmologists with regard to its naming, diagnostic features, and treatment.… …   Wikipedia

  • Strabismus surgery — is surgery on the extraocular muscles to correct the misalignment of the eyes. With approximately 1.2 million procedures each year, extraocular muscle surgery is the third most common eye surgery in the United States. [cite web… …   Wikipedia

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