- accessory lacrimal gland
дополнительная слёзная железа
Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.
Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.
Accessory visual structures — An unmodified male eyebrow and eye Front of left eye with eyelid … Wikipedia
Lacrimal sac — The lacrimal apparatus. Right side. (Lacrimal sac visible at upper right.) … Wikipedia
gland — An organized aggregation of cells functioning as a secretory or excretory organ. SYN: glandula (1) [TA]. [L. glans, acorn] accessory g. a small mass of glandular structure, detached from but lying near another and larger g., to which it is… … Medical dictionary
Gland of Moll — Glands of Moll, also known as ciliary glands, are modified apocrine sweat glands that are found on the margin of the eyelid. They are next to the base of the eyelashes, and anterior to the Meibomian glands within the distal eyelid margin. These… … Wikipedia
harderian gland — har·de·ri·an gland ( )här dir ē ən n, often cap H an accessory lacrimal gland on the inner side of the orbit in reptiles and birds but usu. degenerate in mammals Har·der här dər Johann Jacob (1656 1711) Swiss anatomist. Harder was at various… … Medical dictionary
harderian gland — (ˈ)här|dirēən noun also harder s gland Usage: sometimes capitalized H Etymology: after Johann J. Harder died 1711 Swiss anatomist : an accessory lacrimal gland on the inner side of the orbit in reptiles and birds but usually degenerate in mammals … Useful english dictionary
Meibomian gland — Front of left eye with eyelids separated to show medial canthus and openings of tarsal (meibomian) glands. Latin glandulae tarsales Gray s … Wikipedia
Ciaccio's glands — are small tubular accessory lacrimal glands (glandulae lacrimales accessoriae) found in the lacrimal caruncle of the eyelid. They are located in the upper border of the tarsus, approximately in the middle between the extremities of the tarsal… … Wikipedia
Equine vision — The equine eye is the largest of any land mammal. [ Soemmerring DW. A comment on the horizontal sections of eyes in man and animals. Anderson SR, Munk O, eds. Schepelern HD, transl. Copenhagen: Bogtrykkeriet Forum; 1971.] [ Knill LM, Eagleton RD … Wikipedia
nervous system, human — ▪ anatomy Introduction system that conducts stimuli from sensory receptors to the brain and spinal cord and that conducts impulses back to other parts of the body. As with other higher vertebrates, the human nervous system has two main… … Universalium
branch — An offshoot; in anatomy, one of the primary divisions of a nerve or blood vessel. A b.. See ramus, artery, nerve, vein. SYN: ramus (1) [TA]. accessory meningeal b. SYN: pterygomeningeal artery … Medical dictionary