- overdose
Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.
Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.
overdose — [ ɔvɶrdoz; ɔvɛrdoz ] n. f. • 1968; mot angl., de over « excessif » et dose empr. au fr. ♦ Anglic. Dose excessive d une drogue dure. ⇒ surdose(recomm. offic.). Mort par overdose. Être en overdose. Fig. ⇒ excès. « comme écœuré par une overdose d… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Overdose — (engl. ‚Überdosis‘, siehe Vergiftung) bezeichnet: Overdose (Album), ein Album der japanischen Popgruppe Pizzicato Five von 1994 Overdose (Band), eine ehemalige brasilianische Thrash Metal Band Overdose (Pferd), ein Rennpferd Siehe auch: Total… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Overdose — O ver*dose , v. t. To dose to excess; to give an overdose, or too many doses, to. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
overdose — DOZ/ s. n. doză excesivă (de medicamente, stupefiante etc). (< engl. overdose) Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN … Dicționar Român
overdose — ► NOUN ▪ an excessive and dangerous dose of a drug. ► VERB ▪ take an overdose. DERIVATIVES overdosage noun … English terms dictionary
Overdose — O ver*dose , n. Too great a dose; an excessive dose. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
overdose — index overload, surfeit Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
overdose — / oʊvədoʊs/, it. /over dɔze/ s. ingl. [comp. di over eccessivo e dose dose ], usato in ital. al femm., invar. 1. (farm.) [dose eccessiva (e talora fatale) di un farmaco, o più spesso di droga: morire per una o. di eroina ] ▶◀ ↓ dose. 2. (estens.) … Enciclopedia Italiana
overdose — |ovadóze| s. f. Ver sobredose. ‣ Etimologia: palavra inglesa … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
overdose — [ō′vər dōs΄; ] for v. [ ō΄vər dōs′, ō′vər dōs΄] n. too large a dose vt. overdosed, overdosing to dose to excess vi. 1. to take too large an amount of a narcotic, hallucinogen, etc.: often with on 2. Informal to experience too much of something:… … English World dictionary
overdose — o|ver|dose1 [ˈəuvədəus US ˈouvərdous] n 1.) too much of a drug taken at one time overdose of ▪ a massive overdose of heroin ▪ She took an overdose and died two days later. 2.) too much of something, especially something harmful overdose of ▪ an… … Dictionary of contemporary English