outflow of aqueous

outflow of aqueous
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Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "outflow of aqueous" в других словарях:

  • Aqueous humour — The aqueous humor is a thick watery substance that is between the lens and the cornea.LocationsThe anterior segment is the front third of the eye that includes the structures in front of the vitreous humor: the cornea, iris, ciliary body, and… …   Wikipedia

  • aqueous humour — ▪ physiology       optically clear, slightly alkaline liquid that occupies the anterior and posterior chambers of the eye (eye, human) (the space in front of the iris and lens and the ringlike space encircling the lens). The aqueous humour… …   Universalium

  • Outflow channels — Kasei Valles, seen in MOLA elevation data. Flow was from bottom left to right. North is up. Image is approx. 1600 km across. The channel system extends another 1200 km south of this image to Hebes Chasma. Outflow channels is the term used to… …   Wikipedia

  • Glaucoma — Classification and external resources Acute angle closure glaucoma of the right eye. Note the mid sized pupil, which was nonreactive to light, and injection of the conjunctiva. ICD 10 …   Wikipedia

  • eye disease — Introduction  any of the diseases or disorders that affect the human eye (eye, human).       This article briefly describes the more common diseases of the eye and its associated structures, the methods used in examination and diagnosis, and the… …   Universalium

  • Trabecular meshwork — Enlarged general view of the iridial angle. (When enlarged, visible with older label of trabecular tissue ) Latin reticulum trabeculare sclerae Gray s …   Wikipedia

  • Glaucoma surgery — Glaucoma is a group of diseases affecting the optic nerve that results in vision loss and is frequently characterized by raised intraocular pressure (IOP). There are many glaucoma surgeries, and variations or combinations of those surgeries, that …   Wikipedia

  • Glaucoma — An eye condition in which the fluid pressure inside the eyes rises because of slowed fluid drainage from the eye. Untreated, it may damage the optic nerve and other parts of the eye, causing vision loss or even blindness. Two million Americans… …   Medical dictionary

  • Glaucoma valve — A glaucoma valve is a medical shunt used in the treatment of glaucoma to reduce the eye s intraocular pressure (IOP). MechanismThe device works by bypassing the trabecular meshwork and redirecting the outflow of aqueous humor through a small tube …   Wikipedia

  • Ocular hypertension — Classification and external resources ICD 10 H40.0 ICD 9 365.04 …   Wikipedia

  • glaucoma — n. a condition in which loss of vision occurs because of an abnormally high pressure in the eye. In most cases there is no other ocular disease. This is known as primary glaucoma and there are two pathologically distinct types: acute and chronic… …   The new mediacal dictionary

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