near point of accommodation

near point of accommodation
близкая точка аккомодации

Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "near point of accommodation" в других словарях:

  • near point — n the point nearest the eye at which an object is accurately focused on the retina when the maximum degree of accommodation is employed compare FAR POINT see RANGE OF ACCOMMODATION * * * the nearest point at which the eye can distinctly perceive… …   Medical dictionary

  • near-point — near′ point n. the point nearest the eye at which an object is clearly focused on the retina when accommodation of the eye is at a maximum Compare far point • Etymology: 1875–80 …   From formal English to slang

  • near point — noun : the point nearest the eye at which an object is accurately focused on the retina when the maximum degree of accommodation is employed, having an approximate value of 4 inches in infancy, 10 inches in the normal adult eye, and 13 inches in… …   Useful english dictionary

  • near point absolute — the near point for either eye alone with accommodation relaxed …   Medical dictionary

  • near point relative — the near point for both eyes with the employment of accommodation …   Medical dictionary

  • near-point — /near poynt /, n. Ophthalm. the point nearest the eye at which an object is clearly focused on the retina when accommodation of the eye is at a maximum. Cf. far point. [1875 80] * * * …   Universalium

  • near-point — /near poynt /, n. Ophthalm. the point nearest the eye at which an object is clearly focused on the retina when accommodation of the eye is at a maximum. Cf. far point. [1875 80] …   Useful english dictionary

  • near point — noun Date: 1876 the point nearest the eye at which an object is accurately focused on the retina at full accommodation …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Accommodation (eye) — Accommodation is the process by which the increases optical power to maintain a clear image (focus) on an object as it draws near the eye. The young human eye can change focus from distance to 7 cm from the eye in 350 milliseconds. This dramatic… …   Wikipedia

  • point — 1. SYN: punctum. 2. A sharp end or apex. 3. A slight projection. 4. A stage or condition reached, as the boiling p. 5. To become ready to open, said of an abscess or boil the wall of which is becoming thin and about to rupture. 6. In mathematics …   Medical dictionary

  • range of accommodation — n the range through which accommodation is able to adjust the optical system of the eye so that an image falls in sharp focus on the retina: the distance between the near point and the far point of the eye * * * the alteration in the refractive… …   Medical dictionary

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