- morbidity
заболеваемость, болезненность
Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.
Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.
Morbidity — Mor*bid i*ty, n. 1. The quality or state of being morbid. [1913 Webster] 2. Morbid quality; disease; sickness. C. Kingsley. [1913 Webster] 3. Amount of disease; rate of sickness. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
morbidity — (n.) 1721, from MORBID (Cf. morbid) + ITY (Cf. ity) … Etymology dictionary
morbidity — [môr bid′ə tē] n. pl. morbidities 1. state, quality, or instance of being morbid 2. the rate of disease or proportion of diseased persons in a given locality, nation, etc … English World dictionary
Morbidity — In medicine, epidemiology and actuarial science, the term morbidity can refer to: * the state of poor health (from Latin morbidus : sick, unhealthy) * the degree or severity of a health condition * the prevalence of a health condition: the total… … Wikipedia
morbidity — 1. A diseased state. 2. The ratio of sick to well in a community. SYN: morbility. SEE ALSO: m. rate. 3. The frequency of the appearance of complications following a surgical procedure or other treatment. maternal … Medical dictionary
morbidity — sergamumas statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Kurios nors teritorijos (šalies, miesto, apylinkės) gyventojų sveikatos būklės statistinis rodiklis – susirgimų skaičius per tam tikrą laiką 1000 ar 10 000 gyventojų. atitikmenys:… … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
morbidity rate — morbidity (2) … Dictionary of ichthyology
morbidity — /mɔˈbɪdəti/ (say maw biduhtee) noun 1. morbid state or quality. 2. the proportion of sickness in a locality: *the morbidity and mortality from alcohol is well known and very high –frank crowley and lorna cartwright, 1977 …
morbidity — A disease or the incidence of disease within a population. Morbidity also refers to adverse effects caused by a treatment … English dictionary of cancer terms
morbidity — morbid ► ADJECTIVE 1) having or showing an unhealthy interest in unpleasant subjects, especially death and disease. 2) Medicine of the nature of or indicative of disease. DERIVATIVES morbidity noun morbidly adverb. ORIGIN from Latin morbus… … English terms dictionary
morbidity — noun 1. the relative incidence of a particular disease • Hypernyms: ↑incidence, ↑relative incidence 2. an abnormally gloomy or unhealthy state of mind his fear of being alone verges on morbidity • Syn: ↑morbidness • … Useful english dictionary