- Mittendorf's dot
Миттендорфа точка
Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.
Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.
dot — A small spot. Gunn dots minute, highly glistening, white or yellowish specks usually seen in the posterior part of the fundus; nonpathologic. Horner Trantas dots evanescent white cellular infiltrates occurring in the bulbar … Medical dictionary
Mittendorf dot — a congenital anomaly manifested as a small gray or white opacity just inferior and nasal to the posterior pole of the lens, representing the remains of the lenticular attachment of the hyaloid artery; it does not affect vision … Medical dictionary
Hyaloid artery — Artery: Hyaloid artery The hyaloid artery is located on the gray band near the center of the image. Latin arteria hyaloidea … Wikipedia
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