- lymphadenopathy
Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.
Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.
Lymphadenopathy — Cervical lymphadenopathy in someone with mononucleosis ICD 10 I88, L … Wikipedia
lymphadenopathy — 1899, from LYMPH (Cf. lymph) + adenopathy, from comb. form of Gk. aden (gen. adenos) gland + PATHY (Cf. pathy) … Etymology dictionary
lymphadenopathy — [lim fad΄ə näp′ə thē] n. pl. lymphadenopathies 1. swollen lymph nodes 2. any disease of the lymph nodes … English World dictionary
lymphadenopathy — Pathological disorder of lymph nodes. Lymphadenopathy associated virus (LAV) was the name given to HIV by the Pasteur Institute group … Dictionary of molecular biology
Lymphadenopathy — Abnormally enlarged lymph nodes. Commonly called swollen glands. The term lymphadenopathy is not as tough as it looks. It is made up of three words: lymph + adeno (meaning gland) + pathy (meaning disease) = lymph gland disease. Since most… … Medical dictionary
Lymphadenopathy-associated virus — Another name for the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) that causes AIDS. Please see: Lymphadenopathy virus. * * * lymphadenopathy associated virus n HIV 1 * * * (LAV) former name for human immunodeficiency v. 1 … Medical dictionary
Lymphadenopathy Associated Virus — Virus de l immunodéficience humaine Virus de l immunodéficience humaine … Wikipédia en Français
Lymphadenopathy associated virus — Virus de l immunodéficience humaine Virus de l immunodéficience humaine … Wikipédia en Français
lymphadenopathy syndrome — a condition seen in immunocompromised persons, characterized by unexplained lymphadenopathy of extrainguinal sites that lasts for three or more months and on biopsy reveals nonspecific lymphoid hyperplasia; in some patients it may be a prodrome… … Medical dictionary
lymphadenopathy — noun (plural thies) Date: 1920 abnormal enlargement of the lymph nodes … New Collegiate Dictionary
lymphadenopathy — /lim fad n op euh thee, lim feuh dn /, n., pl. lymphadenopathies. Pathol. chronically swollen lymph nodes. [1915 20; LYMPH + ADENO + PATHY] * * * … Universalium