- lens subluxation
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Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.
Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.
Subluxation — For Chiropractic subluxation, see Vertebral subluxation. A subluxation may have different meanings, depending on the medical specialty involved. It implies the presence of an incomplete or partial dislocation (Latin: luxatio)[1] of a joint or… … Wikipedia
subluxation of lens — partial dislocation of lens of the eye … Medical dictionary
Ectopia lentis — Classification and external resources ICD 10 H27.1, Q12.1 ICD 9 … Wikipedia
Diktyoma — Medulloepithelioma Classification and external resources Histopathology of medulloepithelioma showing characteristic neural tube like strands. ICD O: M … Wikipedia
Eye disease — This is a partial list of human eye diseases and disorders. The World Health Organization publishes a classification of known diseases and injuries called the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems or ICD … Wikipedia
Glaucoma — Classification and external resources Acute angle closure glaucoma of the right eye. Note the mid sized pupil, which was nonreactive to light, and injection of the conjunctiva. ICD 10 … Wikipedia
Marfan syndrome — Marfan redirects here. For the person after whom the syndrome is named, see Antoine Marfan. Marfan syndrome Classification and external resources Micrograph demonstrating myxomatous degeneration of the aorti … Wikipedia
iridodonesis — Agitated motion of the iris. SYN: tremulous iris. [irido + G. doneo, to shake to and fro] * * * iri·do·do·ne·sis də nē səs n, pl ne·ses .sēz tremulousness of the iris caused by dislocation or removal of the lens: HIPPUS * * * n. tremulousness of… … Medical dictionary
syndrome — The aggregate of symptoms and signs associated with any morbid process, and constituting together the picture of the disease. SEE ALSO: disease. [G. s., a running together, tumultuous concourse; (in med.) a concurrence of symptoms, fr. syn,… … Medical dictionary
Joint dislocation — Classification and external resources A traumatic dislocation of the tibiotalar joint of the ankle with distal fibular fracture. Open arrow marks the tibia and the closed arrow marks the talus. ICD … Wikipedia
spherophakia — A congenital bilateral aberration in which the lenses are small, spherical, and subject to subluxation; may occur as an independent anomaly or may be associated with the Weill Marchesani syndrome. [sphero + G. phakos, lens] * * * sphe·ro·pha·kia … Medical dictionary