- applanation tonometer
прикладной тонометр
Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.
Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.
applanation tonometer — n an ophthalmologic instrument used to determine pressure within the eye by measuring the force necessary to flatten an area of the cornea with a small disk * * * an instrument that measures intraocular pressure by determination of the force… … Medical dictionary
Goldmann applanation tonometer — see tonometer H. Goldmann (1899 1991), Swiss ophthalmologist … Medical dictionary
Goldmann applanation tonometer — see tonometer [Goldmann (1899–1991), Swiss ophthalmologist] … The new mediacal dictionary
tonometer — 1. An instrument for determining pressure or tension, especially an instrument for determining ocular tension. 2. A vessel for equilibrating a liquid ( e.g., blood) with a gas, usually at a controlled temperature; originally so named because it… … Medical dictionary
tonometer — n. 1) (ophthalmotonometer) a small instrument for measuring the pressure inside the eye. There are several types. The applanation tonometer measures the force required to flatten a known area of the cornea after a drop of local anaesthetic has… … The new mediacal dictionary
Goldmann applanation tonometer — an instrument for measuring intraocular pressure which eliminates the effects of scleral resistance … Medical dictionary
applanation — In tonometry, the flattening of the cornea by pressure. Intraocular pressure is directly proportional to external pressure, and inversely proportional to the area flattened. SEE ALSO: a. tonometer. [L. ad, toward, + planum, plane] * * *… … Medical dictionary
applanation — n. a method of flattening the cornea that is used to determine the intraocular pressure in applanation tonometry (see tonometer) … The new mediacal dictionary
Офтальмотонометр (Ophthalmotonometer), Тонометр (Tonometer) — небольшой инструмент, предназначенный для измерения внутриглазного давления. Существует несколько типов этих инструментов. С помощью аппланационного тонометра (applanation tonometer) после закапывания в глаз местного анестетика (в результате чего … Медицинские термины
MacKay-Marg electronic tonometer — an electronic applanation tonometer equipped with a flat plunger which measures intraocular pressure by direct application to the cornea … Medical dictionary
ОФТАЛЬМОТОНОМЕТР , ТОНОМЕТР — (tonometer) небольшой инструмент, предназначенный для измерения внутриглазного давления. Существует несколько типов этих инструментов. С помощью аппланационного тонометра (applanation tonometer) после закапывания в глаз местного анестетика (в… … Толковый словарь по медицине