- juvenile
ювенильный, юношеский, подростковый период (от 3 до 16 лет)
Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.
Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.
juvénile — [ ʒyvenil ] adj. • v. 1460; juvenil v. 1112; lat. juvenilis 1 ♦ Qui est propre à la jeunesse. ⇒ jeune. Fraîcheur, grâce juvénile. Air, sourire juvénile. « Tout était juvénile sur ces visages : la roseur de la joue [...] l œil frais » (Martin du… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Juvenile — Datos generales Nacimiento 26 de Marzo, 1975 (35 años) Origen Nueva Orleans, Luisiana, Estados Unidos … Wikipedia Español
Juvenile — may refer to: * A juvenile (organism) is an individual organism after birth (hatching, germination, etc .), but has not yet reached its adult form, maturity or size. * juvenile (law), a legal term referring to a minor * Juvenile fiction, a term… … Wikipedia
juvenile — ju·ve·nile / jü və ˌnīl, nəl/ n: an individual who is under an age fixed by law (as 18 years) at which he or she would be charged as an adult for a criminal act compare minor Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 … Law dictionary
Juvenile — Ju ve*nile (?; 277), a. [L. juvenilis, from juvenis young; akin to E. young: cf. F. juv[ e]nile, juv[ e]nil. See {Young}.] [1913 Webster] 1. Young; youthful; as, a juvenile appearance. A juvenile exercitation. Glanvill. [1913 Webster] 2. Of or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Juvenile — Naissance 25 mars 1975, Nouvelle Orleans, États Unis Pays d’origine États Unis … Wikipédia en Français
juvenile — (adj.) 1620s, from L. iuvenilis of or belonging to youth, from iuvenis young person, originally young (Cf. Fr. jeune; see YOUNG (Cf. young)). Juvenile delinquency first recorded 1816; Juvenile delinquent the following year … Etymology dictionary
juvenile — has a neutral meaning ‘relating to or associated with young people’ (juvenile crime) and a derogatory meaning ‘immature’ (Behaving in a juvenile way) … Modern English usage
juvenile — [adj] childish adolescent, babyish, beardless, blooming, boyish, budding, callow, childlike, developing, formative, fresh, girlish, green, growing, immature, inexperienced, infant, infantile, jejune, junior, kid stuff*, milk fed*, naive,… … New thesaurus
Juvenile — Ju ve*nile, n. A young person or youth; used sportively or familiarly. C. Bront[ e]. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
juvenile — *youthful, puerile, boyish, virgin, virginal, maiden Analogous words: immature, unmatured: callow, green, crude (see RUDE) Antonyms: adult: senile Contrasted words: *mature, matured, grown up … New Dictionary of Synonyms