- iodine
Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.
Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.
Iodine — (IPAEng|ˈaɪədaɪn, ˈaɪədɪn, or IPA|/ˈaɪədiːn/; from el. ιώδης iodes violet ), is a chemical element that has the symbol I and atomic number 53. Naturally occurring iodine is a single isotope with 74 neutrons. Chemically, iodine is the least… … Wikipedia
Iodine — I o*dine ([imac] [ o]*d[i^]n or [imac] [ o]*d[=e]n; 104), n. [Gr. iw dhs violetlike; i on a violet + e i^dos form: cf. F. iode, iodine. The name was given from the violet color of its vapor. See {Violet}, {Idyl}.] (Chem.) A nonmetallic element,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
iodine — [ī′ə dīn΄, ī′ədin; ] Brit & among chemists [, ī′ədēn΄] n. [Fr iode, iodine (< Gr iōdēs, violetlike < ion, a violet + eidos, form: see OID) + INE3] 1. a nonmetallic chemical element, one of the halogens, consisting of grayish black crystals… … English World dictionary
iodine — 1814, formed by English chemist Sir Humphrey Davy (1778 1829) from Fr. iode iodine, coined 1812 by French chemist Joseph Louis Gay Lussac from Gk. ioeides violet colored, from ion the violet; dark blue flower, + eidos appearance (see OID (Cf.… … Etymology dictionary
iodine — ► NOUN 1) a black, crystalline, non metallic chemical element of the halogen group. 2) an antiseptic solution of iodine in alcohol. ORIGIN from Greek i d s violet coloured … English terms dictionary
Iodīne — (Chem.), so v.w. Jod … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
iodine — Symbol: I Atomic number: 53 Atomic weight: 126.904 Dark violet nonmetallic element, belongs to group 17 of the periodic table. Insoluble in water. Required as a trace element for living organisms. One stable isotope, I 127 exists, in addition to… … Elements of periodic system
iodine — the chemical element and the antiseptic made from it, is pronounced either iy ǝ deen or iy ǝ din. In AmE it is also pronounced iy ǝdiyn … Modern English usage
iodine — /uy euh duyn , din/; in Chem. also /uy euh deen /, n. Chem. a nonmetallic halogen element occurring at ordinary temperatures as a grayish black crystalline solid that sublimes to a dense violet vapor when heated: used in medicine as an antiseptic … Universalium
Iodine — An essential element in the diet used by the thyroid gland to make thyroid hormones. The two most important thyroid hormones are thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). Thyroxine (T4) has four iodine molecules attached to its structure, while… … Medical dictionary
iodine — n. an element required in small amounts for healthy growth and development. An adult body contains about 30 mg of iodine, mostly concentrated in the thyroid gland: this gland requires iodine to synthesize thyroid hormones. A deficiency of iodine… … The new mediacal dictionary