hysterical amblyopia

hysterical amblyopia
амблиопия вызванная истерией

Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "hysterical amblyopia" в других словарях:

  • Amblyopia — Impaired vision in an eye due to a disorder of the brain cells that control the vision in that eye, not usually due to a problem with the eye itself. Amblyopia is caused by lack of use of an eye when the brain favors the other eye. The eye is… …   Medical dictionary

  • blindness — 1. Loss of the sense of sight; absolute b. connotes no light perception. SEE ALSO: amblyopia, amaurosis. 2. Loss of visual appreciation of objects although visual acuity is normal. 3 …   Medical dictionary

  • blindness and hallucinations —    Visual hallucinations occurring in individuals with impaired vision have been reported since ancient times. Perhaps the best known historical example is the description of Charles Lullin s * visual hallucinations, as rendered by his grandson… …   Dictionary of Hallucinations

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