- growth factor
фактор роста
Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.
Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.
growth factor — n a substance (as a vitamin B12 or an interleukin) that promotes growth and esp. cellular growth * * * any of various chemicals, particularly polypeptides, that have a variety of important roles in the stimulation of new cell growth and cell… … Medical dictionary
growth factor — n. any genetic, hormonal, or nutritional factor whose absence prevents normal growth of an organism … English World dictionary
Growth factor — The term growth factor refers to a naturally occurring protein capable of stimulating cellular growth, [DorlandsDict|three/000038554|growth factor] proliferation and cellular differentiation. Growth factors are important for regulating a variety… … Wikipedia
Growth factor — Dieser Artikel behandelt Wachstumsfaktor als Begriff aus der Biologie. Das Wort wird außerdem verwendet bei der mathematischen Untersuchung von Wachstumsprozessen (siehe Wachstumsfaktor (Mathematik)) Als Wachstumsfaktoren werden Proteine… … Deutsch Wikipedia
growth factor — any of various chemicals, particularly polypeptides, that have a variety of important roles in the stimulation of new cell growth and cell maintenance. They bind to the cell surface on receptors. Specific growth factors can cause new cell… … The new mediacal dictionary
growth factor — noun a protein that is involved in cell differentiation and growth • Hypernyms: ↑protein • Hyponyms: ↑nerve growth factor, ↑NGF … Useful english dictionary
growth factor — growth′ fac tor n. biochem. any of various proteins that promote the growth, organization, and maintenance of cells and tissues … From formal English to slang
Growth factor-like domain — A growth factor like domain (GFLD) is a protein domain structurally related to epidermal growth factor, which has a high binding affinity for the epidermal growth factor receptor. As structural domains within larger proteins, GFLD regions… … Wikipedia
Growth factor receptor — A growth factor receptor is a receptor which binds to growth factor.External links* … Wikipedia
growth factor — noun Date: 1926 a substance (as a vitamin B12 or an interleukin) that promotes growth and especially cellular growth … New Collegiate Dictionary
growth factor — Any of various chemicals, particularly polypeptides, that have a variety of important roles in the stimulation of new cell growth and cell maintenance. They bind to the cell surface on receptors. Specific growth factors can cause new cell… … Glossary of Biotechnology