- giant cell arteritis
гигантоклеточный артериит
Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.
Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.
Giant-cell arteritis — Classification and external resources The arteries of the face and scalp. ICD 10 M31.5 M … Wikipedia
Giant cell arteritis — A serious disease characterized by inflammation of the walls of the blood vessels (vasculitis). The vessels affected by the inflammation are the arteries (hence the name "arteritis"). The age of affected patients is usually over 50… … Medical dictionary
giant-cell arteritis — see arteritis … Medical dictionary
giant-cell arteritis — see arteritis … The new mediacal dictionary
giant cell arteritis (gca) and hallucinations — see temporal arteritis and hallucinations … Dictionary of Hallucinations
Giant cell — Multinucleated giant cells due to an infection. H E stain. A giant cell is a mass formed by the union of several distinct cells (usually macrophages).[1] It can arise in response to an infection or foreign body. Types include: foreign body giant… … Wikipedia
Arteritis, giant cell — A chronic vascular disease, most often involving the carotid artery system, that can lead to blindness and/or stroke, Giant cell arteritis (also called temporal arteritis) is detected by a biopsy of an artery, and is treated with high dose… … Medical dictionary
Артериит Гигантоклеточный, Артериит Краниальный (Giant-Cell Arteritis) — см. Артериит. Источник: Медицинский словарь … Медицинские термины
arteritis — Inflammation or infection involving an artery or arteries. [L. arteria, artery, + G. itis, inflammation] brachiocephalic a. giant cell a. seen in older adults; characterized by inflammatory lesions in medium sized arteries, most commonly in the… … Medical dictionary
Arteritis, temporal — Also called giant cell arteritis or cranial arteritis, this is a serious disease characterized by inflammation of the walls of the blood vessels (vasculitis). The vessels affected by inflammation are the arteries (hence the name… … Medical dictionary
arteritis — /ahr teuh ruy tis/, n. inflammation of an artery. [1830 40; ARTER(IO) + ITIS] * * * Inflammation of the arteries. It occurs in diseases including syphilis, tuberculosis, and lupus erythematosus. Varieties not closely associated with systemic… … Universalium