- anatropia
анатропия – отклонение оптической оси глаза кверху
Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.
Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.
anatropia — noun a) A disorder of the vision. Deviation of the visual axis of one eye upwards when the other eye is fixing; anaphoria. b) A tendency for both eyes to look upward … Wiktionary
anatropia — ana·tro·pia (an″ə troґpe ə) [ana + Gr. trepein to turn] upward deviation of the visual axis of one eye when the other eye is fixing. anatropic adj … Medical dictionary
anatropic — ana·tro·pic (an″ə troґpik) pertaining to anatropia; deviating upward … Medical dictionary