- core plug
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Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Core plug — A core plug that has been corroded from improper engine maintenance. Core plugs, sometimes wrongly called freeze plugs or frost plugs, are plugs that fill the core holes found on water cooled internal combustion engines. The sand casting cores… … Wikipedia
core plug — A metal plug located in the sides of the engine block which can pop out because of excessive pressure or freezing and prevent the engine block from cracking. These plugs are located in the water jacket and can sometimes leak and should then be… … Dictionary of automotive terms
core plug — /ˈkɔ plʌg/ (say kaw plug) noun → welch plug …
Core (manufacturing) — A core is a device used in casting and molding processes to produce internal cavities and reentrant angles. The core is normally a disposable item that is destroyed to get it out of the piece.[1] They are most commonly used in sand casting, but… … Wikipedia
core hole plug — See core plug freeze plug … Dictionary of automotive terms
core hole plugs — See core plug … Dictionary of automotive terms
core plugs — See core plug … Dictionary of automotive terms
plug — A removable cork or stopper which fills a hole. See blanking plug coil glow plug cold plug core hole plug core plugs drain plug drain plug key drain plug spanner drain plug wrench … Dictionary of automotive terms
plug — pluggable, adj. pluggingly, adv. plugless, adj. pluglike, adj. /plug/, n., v., plugged, plugging. n. 1. a piece of wood or other material used to stop up a hole or aperture, to fill a gap, or to act as a wedge. 2. a core or interior segment taken … Universalium
plug — [[t]plʌg[/t]] n. v. plugged, plug•ging 1) a piece of wood or other material used to stop up a hole or aperture 2) cvb a core or interior segment taken from a larger matrix 3) elm an attachment at the end of an electrical cord that allows its… … From formal English to slang
Plug-in (computing) — A plug in (plugin, addin, add in, addon, add on, snap in or snapin ; but see extension) is a computer program that interacts with a host application (a web browser or an email client, for example) to provide a certain, usually very specific,… … Wikipedia