controllable-area nozzle

controllable-area nozzle
сопло с регулируемым сечением

Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "controllable-area nozzle" в других словарях:

  • Solid-fuel rocket — A solid rocket or a solid fuel rocket is a rocket with a motor that uses solid propellants (fuel/oxidizer). The earliest rockets were solid fueled, powered by gunpowder, used by the Chinese and Arabs in warfare as early as the 13th century. All… …   Wikipedia

  • Nerve guidance conduit — A nerve guidance conduit (also referred to as an artificial nerve conduit or artificial nerve graft, as opposed to an autograft) is an artificial means of guiding axonal regrowth to facilitate nerve regeneration and is one of several clinical… …   Wikipedia

  • Musical fountain — A musical fountain is a type of animated fountain for entertainment purposes that creates an aesthetic design (including three dimensional images). This is achieved by employing the effects of timed sound waves and timed light (including laser)… …   Wikipedia

  • steel — steellike, adj. /steel/, n. 1. any of various modified forms of iron, artificially produced, having a carbon content less than that of pig iron and more than that of wrought iron, and having qualities of hardness, elasticity, and strength varying …   Universalium

  • Propeller — A propeller is essentially a type of fan which transmits power by converting rotational motion into thrust for propulsion of a vehicle such as an aircraft, ship, or submarine through a mass such as water or air, by rotating two or more twisted… …   Wikipedia

  • rocket and missile system — ▪ weapons system Introduction       any of a variety of weapons systems that deliver explosive warheads to their targets by means of rocket propulsion.       Rocket is a general term used broadly to describe a variety of jet propelled missiles… …   Universalium

  • Powder metallurgy — is the process of blending fine powdered materials, pressing them into a desired shape (compacting), and then heating the compressed material in a controlled atmosphere to bond the material (sintering). The powder metallurgy process generally… …   Wikipedia

  • Spacecraft propulsion — A remote camera captures a close up view of a Space Shuttle Main Engine during a test firing at the John C. Stennis Space Center in Hancock County, Mississippi Spacecraft propulsion is any method used to accelerate spacecraft and artificial… …   Wikipedia

  • Convair XF-92 — XF 92 A photo of the Convair XF 92 in flight Role interceptor aircraft Manufacturer …   Wikipedia

  • Abkürzungen/Luftfahrt/L–R — Dies ist der vierte Teil der Liste Abkürzungen/Luftfahrt. Liste der Abkürzungen Teil 1 A A Teil 2 B–D B; C; D Teil 3 E–K …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Flamethrower — A flamethrower is a mechanical device designed to project a long controllable stream of fire.Some flamethrowers project a stream of ignited flammable liquid; some project a long gas flame. Most military flamethrowers use liquids, but commercial… …   Wikipedia

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