complex shape

complex shape
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сложный (гнутый) профиль

Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "complex shape" в других словарях:

  • Shape moiré — is one type of moiré patterns demonstrating the phenomenon of moiré magnification [cite paper title = Optical inspection of arrays and periodic structures using moire magnification author = M.C. Hutley coauthors = R.F. Stevens publisher = IEE… …   Wikipedia

  • Shape optimization — is part of the field of optimal control theory. The typical problem is to find the shape which is optimal in that it minimizes a certain cost functional while satisfying given constraints. In many cases, the functional being solved depends on the …   Wikipedia

  • Shape theory (mathematics) — Shape theory is part of the mathematical field of topology. Its overall goal is to extend results from homotopy theory for spaces with good local properties, like CW complexes, to compact metric spaces or compact Hausdorff spaces.Shape theory was …   Wikipedia

  • Complex vertebral malformation — or CVM is a lethal hereditary syndrome found in Holstein cattle.[1][2] CVM is responsible for malformed calves that are either spontaneously aborted or die shortly after birth.[1][3] It is caused by a missense mutation in the SLC35A3 gene.[ …   Wikipedia

  • Complex text layout — The Devanagari ddhrya ligature of JanaSanskritSans, should be invoked by the layout engine to render the sequence of seven Unicode characters द + ् + ध + ् + र + ् + य = द्ध्र्य …   Wikipedia

  • Shape note — Star in the East from the 1854 edition of Southern Harmony Shape notes are a music notation designed to facilitate congregational and community singing. The notation, introduced in 1801, became a popular teaching device in American singing… …   Wikipedia

  • shape — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 physical outline ADJECTIVE ▪ basic, simple ▪ The children cut the paper into various simple shapes. ▪ overall ▪ characteristic, distinctive …   Collocations dictionary

  • Shape — The shape (OE. sceap Eng. created thing ) of an object located in some space refers to the part of space occupied by the object as determined by its external boundary abstracting from other aspects the object may have such as its colour, content …   Wikipedia

  • Shape theory of olfaction — The Shape theory of smell states that a molecule s particular smell is due to a lock and key mechanism by which a scent molecule fits into olfactory receptors in the nasal epithelium. HistoryIn 1949, R.W. Moncrieff published an article in… …   Wikipedia

  • Complex base systems — In arithmetic, a complex base system is a positional numeral system whose radix is an imaginary (proposed by Donald Knuth in 1955[1][2]) or complex number (proposed by S. Khmelnik in 1964[3] and Walter F. Penney in 1965[4] …   Wikipedia

  • Complex (chemistry) — The term complex in chemistry is usually used to describe molecules or ensembles formed by the combination of ligands and metal ions. Originally, a complex implied a reversible association of molecules, atoms, or ions through weak chemical bonds …   Wikipedia

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