- commensurable
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Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Commensurable — Com*men su*ra*ble, a. [L. commensurabilis; pref. com + mensurable. See {Commensurate}, and cf. {Commeasurable}.] Having a common measure; capable of being exactly measured by the same number, quantity, or measure. {Com*men su*ra*ble*ness}, n.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
commensurable — [ kɔmɑ̃syrabl ] adj. • 1361; bas lat. commensurabilis, de mensura « mesure » ♦ Didact. Se dit d une grandeur qui a, avec une autre grandeur, une commune mesure. ⇒ comparable. Lignes, volumes commensurables. Nombres commensurables. ⊗ CONTR.… … Encyclopédie Universelle
commensurable — ► ADJECTIVE 1) measurable by the same standard. 2) (commensurable to) proportionate to. 3) Mathematics (of numbers) in a ratio equal to a ratio of integers. ORIGIN Latin commensurabilis, from mensurare to measure … English terms dictionary
commensurable — I adjective analagous, analogical, coequal, coextensive, coherent, commensurate, comparable, concordant, concurrent, conformable, congruous, consistent, consonant, coordinate, correspondent, equal, equivalent, even, identical in size, level,… … Law dictionary
commensurable — COMMENSURABLE. adj. des 2 g. Terme de Mathématique. Il se dit De deux grandeurs qui ont un rapport de nombre à nombre, ou, ce qui revient au même, une mesure commune. Tous les nombres entiers et rompus sont commensurables entr eux. Lignes… … Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798
commensurable — 1550s, from L.L. commensurabilis having a common measure, from com together with (see COM (Cf. com )) + L. mensurabilis that can be measured, from mensurare to measure, from mensura measure (see MEASURE (Cf. measure) (v.) … Etymology dictionary
commensurable — commensurate, proportionate, *proportional Analogous words: equivalent, equal, identical, tantamount (see SAME): *reciprocal, corresponding Antonyms: incommensurable … New Dictionary of Synonyms
commensurable — Commensurable. adj. de tout genre. Terme dogmatique. Se dit de deux quantitez qui ont une aliquote commune. Tous les nombres sont commensurables … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
commensurable — [kə men′shoor ə bəl, kə men′sərə bəl] adj. [LL commensurabilis < L com , together + mensurare, to measure < mensura,MEASURE] 1. measurable by the same standard or measure; specif., designating two quantities having a common measure which is … English World dictionary
commensurable — adjective a) Able to be measured using a common standard A yard and a foot are commensurable, as both may be measured by inches. b) Related in size or scale; commensurate or proportionate … Wiktionary
commensurable — Two things are commensurable if they can be ordered by some single measure. There is often a real problem about knowing whether this is so: deciding whether two persons utilities or states of happiness can be measured one against the other, for… … Philosophy dictionary