- color sorting
разделение по цвету
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Diamond color — Part of a series on Diamonds Material Material properties Crystallographic defects Formatio … Wikipedia
Coffee processing — Main article: Coffee Traditional coffee drying in Boquete, Panamá Processing of coffee is the method converting the raw fruit of the coffee plant into the coffee. The cherry has the fruit or pulp removed leaving the seed or bean which is then… … Wikipedia
MetroPaint — is a recycled content latex paint (RCLP) that has been produced in Portland, Oregon, USA by Metro since 1992. Metro receives post consumer latex paint (PCLP) from garbage customers. Technicians inspect the paint for recyclability: recyclable… … Wikipedia
Textile recycling — is the method of reusing or reprocessing used clothing, fibrous material and clothing scraps from the manufacturing process. Textiles in municipal solid waste are found mainly in discarded clothing, although other sources include furniture,… … Wikipedia
Plant Simulation — Тип имитационное моделирование Разработчик Siemens PLM Software Операционная система Microsoft Windows Последняя версия Tecnomatix Plant Simulation 9 (2009) Лицензия проприетарная Сай … Википедия
Ayuda:Tablas — Ayuda de edición Antes de comenzar La interfaz de Wikipedia Barra de herramientas de edición Cómo se edita una página Creando un artículo Cómo empezarlo Cómo cambiarle el título (1) (2) Manual de estilo … Wikipedia Español
Check Wikipedia — Wikiproyecto:Check Wikipedia Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Esta página contiene de forma consciente fallos ortográficos. Los bots no deben intentar corregirlos. Atajo PR:CWPR:CW … Wikipedia Español
Activities prohibited on Shabbat — Main article: Shabbat See also: Shomer Shabbat and Rabbinically prohibited activities of Shabbat The commandment to keep Shabbat as a day of rest is repeated many times in the Tanakh, the Hebrew Bible. (See for example Exodus 31:12 17 quoted … Wikipedia
Recycling — For other uses, see Recycling (disambiguation). 3R Concepts Waste Disposal Hierarchy Reduce Reuse Recycle Barter Dematerialization Dow … Wikipedia
Polyethylene terephthalate — PETE redirects here. For the first name, see Peter (disambiguation). For other uses, see Pete (disambiguation). Polyethylene terephthalate fibre IUPAC name … Wikipedia
Tampa International Airport — USGS aerial photo 10 May 2002 … Wikipedia