- colloidal substance
коллоидальное вещество
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
colloïdal — colloïdal, ale, aux [ kɔlɔidal, o ] adj. • 1855; de colloïde ♦ Phys., chim. Solution colloïdale : solution ou mélange dans un solvant liquide d un soluté formé de particules de taille supérieure à celle des molécules. ⇒ 3. sol. ● colloïdal,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
colloidal system — noun A dispersed substance plus the material in which it is dispersed • • • Main Entry: ↑colloid … Useful english dictionary
Colloïdal — Colloïde Le lait est une solution colloïdale de globules gras dans une solution à base d eau. Un colloïde est une substance sous forme de liquide ou galénique semi solide sous laquelle peuvent se présenter des préparations pharmaceutiques,… … Wikipédia en Français
colloidal — colloid ► NOUN 1) a homogeneous substance consisting of submicroscopic particles of one substance dispersed in another, as in an emulsion or gel. 2) a gelatinous substance. DERIVATIVES colloidal adjective. ORIGIN from Greek kolla glue … English terms dictionary
colloidal gold-bound tumor necrosis factor — A substance being studied in the treatment of some types of cancer. Colloidal gold bound tumor necrosis factor is made in the laboratory by binding a cancer killing protein called tumor necrosis factor (TNF) to the surface of very tiny particles… … English dictionary of cancer terms
colloidal — adj. resembling a colloid (sticky substance composed of particles that do not dissolve in other substances) … English contemporary dictionary
État colloïdal — Colloïde Le lait est une solution colloïdale de globules gras dans une solution à base d eau. Un colloïde est une substance sous forme de liquide ou galénique semi solide sous laquelle peuvent se présenter des préparations pharmaceutiques,… … Wikipédia en Français
TNF-bound colloidal gold — A substance being studied in the treatment of some types of cancer. TNF bound colloidal gold is made in the laboratory by binding a cancer killing protein called tumor necrosis factor (TNF) to the surface of very tiny particles of gold. These TNF … English dictionary of cancer terms
pectic substance — n any of a group of complex colloidal carbohydrate derivatives of plant origin that contain a large proportion of units derived from galacturonic acid and include protopectins, pectins, pectinic acids, and pectic acids … Medical dictionary
pectic substance — noun : any of a group of complex colloidal carbohydrate derivatives of plant origin containing a large proportion of units derived from galacturonic acid and subdivided into protopectins, pectins, pectinic acids, and pectic acids … Useful english dictionary
colloid — /kol oyd/, n. 1. Physical Chem. a substance made up of a system of particles with linear dimensions in the range of about 10 7 to 5 × 10 5 cm dispersed in a continuous gaseous, liquid, or solid medium whose properties depend on the large specific … Universalium