coarse mesh

coarse mesh
сито с крупными отверстиями

Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "coarse mesh" в других словарях:

  • mesh —   1. Nets. Maka, maka upena.   Various sizes: nae, nukuwā ula, nukuā ula, nukunukuwā ula, nukunukuā ula, mākahi, mākahi oene, mākahi hoene, mālua, mālua oā, mālua owā, mākolu, mākolu owā, mākolu oā, māhā, mahae, mālewa, makahune.    ♦ To make net …   English-Hawaiian dictionary

  • Coarse fishing — is a term used in the United Kingdom and Ireland for angling for coarse fish, which are those types of freshwater fish other than game fish (trout, salmon and char). The sport and the techniques used are particularly popular in the United Kingdom …   Wikipedia

  • Coarse space (numerical analysis) — This article deals with a component of numerical methods. For coarse space in topology, see coarse structure. In numerical analysis, coarse problem is an auxiliary system of equations used in an iterative method for the solution of a given larger …   Wikipedia

  • Adaptive mesh refinement — This article is about the use of adaptive meshing in numerical analysis. See Subdivision surface for the use of adaptive techniques in Computer Graphics modelling. In numerical analysis, adaptive mesh refinement is a method of adaptive meshing.… …   Wikipedia

  • Subdivision surface — A subdivision surface, in the field of 3D computer graphics, is a method of representing a smooth surface via the specification of a coarser piecewise linear polygon mesh. The smooth surface can be calculated from the coarse mesh as the limit of… …   Wikipedia

  • trammel net — noun a fishing net with three layers; the outer two are coarse mesh and the loose inner layer is fine mesh • Syn: ↑trammel • Hypernyms: ↑fishnet, ↑fishing net * * * noun : a rectangular net made of a middle layer that is slack and of fine mesh… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Guar gum — Guar gum, also called guaran, is a galactomannan. It is primarily the ground endosperm of guar beans. The guar seeds are dehusked, milled and screened to obtain the guar gum. [ [ additives/specs/monograph3/additive… …   Wikipedia

  • Tamis — is also an alternate name for the Timiş River. Man using a tamis, pushing the ingredients through the mesh with a scraper. A tamis (pronounced tammy , also known as a drum sieve, or chalni in Indian cooking[1]) is a kitchen utensil …   Wikipedia

  • screen — [skrēn] n. [ME skrene, sieve, curtain < OFr escren < Gmc, as in OHG scerm (Ger shirm), guard, protection, screen < IE base * (s)ker , to cut > SHEAR, SCORE] 1. a) a light, movable, covered frame or series of frames hinged together,… …   English World dictionary

  • Scallop dredge — The scallop dredge, or oyster dredge, is a dredge which is towed along the bottom of the sea by a fishing boat until it is full of scallops or oysters. It is then lifted onto the boat and emptied. The dredge can also be used to harvest sea… …   Wikipedia

  • trammel — [tram′əl] n. [ME tramaile < MFr tramail, a net < ML tremaculum, kind of fishing net < L tres, THREE + macula, a mesh] 1. a) a fishing net consisting of two outer layers of coarse mesh and a loosely hung middle layer of fine mesh b) a… …   English World dictionary

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