- chromite
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Chromite — General Category Oxide minerals Chemical formula (Fe, Mg)Cr2O4 … Wikipedia
Chromite — Chromite[1] Catégorie IV : oxydes et hydroxydes[2] Chromite … Wikipédia en Français
chromite — [ krɔmit ] n. f. • 1830; de chrome ♦ Minér. Oxyde de chrome contenant du fer et du manganèse, principal minerai du chrome, utilisé en métallurgie, pour la céramique, la verrerie, la fabrication des matériaux réfractaires. ● chromite nom féminin… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Chromite — Chro mite, n. 1. (Min.) A black submetallic mineral consisting of oxide of chromium and iron; called also {chromic iron}. [1913 Webster] 2. (Chem.) A compound or salt of chromous hydroxide regarded as an acid. [R.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Chromīte — Chromīte, s. Chromhydroxyd … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
chromite — [krō′mīt΄] n. a hard, black mineral, FeCr2O4, the chief ore of chromium … English World dictionary
chromite — /kroh muyt/, n. 1. Chem. a salt of chromium in the bivalent state. 2. Mineral. a cubic mineral, ferrous chromate, Fe3Cr2O3, usually with much of the ferrous iron and aluminum replaced by magnesium, and some of the chromium by ferric iron: the… … Universalium
chromite — noun a) A dark brown mineral species with the formula FeCrO. b) Any member of the chromite magnesiochromite series that is a mixed oxide of iron, magnesium and chromium with the formula (Fe,Mg)CrO. It is a commercial source of chromium … Wiktionary
Chromite (compound) — This article is about the chromium(III) anion and its salts. For the mineral, see chromite. For the chromium(VI) anion and its salts, see chromate. In chemistry, a chromite refers to an anionic complex of chromium(III) or a salt containing such… … Wikipedia
chromite series — noun : a series of isomorphous minerals in the spinel group consisting of magnesiochromite and chromite … Useful english dictionary
chromite — noun Etymology: German Chromit, from chrom Date: 1799 1. a black mineral that consists of an oxide of iron and chromium and is the only chromium ore 2. an oxide of divalent chromium … New Collegiate Dictionary