chimney gases

chimney gases
дымовые газы

Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "chimney gases" в других словарях:

  • chimney — ► NOUN (pl. chimneys) 1) a vertical pipe which conducts smoke and gases up from a fire or furnace. 2) a glass tube protecting the flame of a lamp. 3) a very steep narrow cleft by which a rock face may be climbed. ORIGIN Old French cheminee, from… …   English terms dictionary

  • Chimney — For other uses, see Chimney (disambiguation). Smokestack redirects here. For the 1963 avant garde jazz album, see Smokestack (album). The world s tallest chimney, of GRES 2 in Ekibastuz, Kazakhstan. A chimney is a structure for venting hot flue… …   Wikipedia

  • Chimney (locomotive) — Great Western locomotives with their distinctive copper rimmed chimneys …   Wikipedia

  • Chimney (disambiguation) — A chimney is a conduit for exhausting combustion gases up into open air. Chimney or Chimneys may also refer to: Chimney (locomotive), specifically for chimneys fitted to railway locomotives Chimney, Oxfordshire, hamlet in England Chimney… …   Wikipedia

  • chimney — chimneyless, adj. chimneylike, adj. /chim nee/, n., pl. chimneys, v., chimneyed, chimneying. n. 1. a structure, usually vertical, containing a passage or flue by which the smoke, gases, etc., of a fire or furnace are carried off and by means of… …   Universalium

  • Chimney fire — A chimney fire A chimney fire is the combustion of residue deposits referred to as creosote, on the inner surfaces of chimney tiles, flue liners, stove pipes, etc. The process begins with the incomplete combustion (burning) of fuel in the… …   Wikipedia

  • chimney — n. (pl. eys) 1 a vertical channel conducting smoke or combustion gases etc. up and away from a fire, furnace, engine, etc. 2 the part of this which projects above a roof. 3 a glass tube protecting the flame of a lamp. 4 a narrow vertical crack in …   Useful english dictionary

  • chimney — noun (plural chimneys) 1》 a vertical pipe which conducts smoke and gases up from a fire or furnace.     ↘a chimney stack. 2》 a glass tube protecting the flame of a lamp. 3》 a very steep narrow cleft by which a rock face may be climbed. Origin ME …   English new terms dictionary

  • chimney — /ˈtʃɪmni / (say chimnee) noun (plural chimneys) 1. a structure, usually vertical, containing a passage or flue by which the smoke, gases, etc., of a fire or furnace are carried off and by means of which a draught is created. 2. that part of such… …  

  • chimney — Vertical shaft enclosing one or more flues for carrying flue gases to the outside atmosphere. See coil tower coil chimney …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • chimney — chim•ney [[t]ˈtʃɪm ni[/t]] n. pl. neys 1) a structure, usu. vertical, containing a passage or flue by which the smoke, gases, etc., of a fire or furnace are carried off 2) archit. the part of such a structure that rises above a roof 3) sts the… …   From formal English to slang

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