- cathode stream
катодный поток
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
cathode ray tube — UK US noun [countable] [singular cathode ray tube plural cathode ray tubes] physics a piece of equipment in televisions and some computers that creates the image on the screen. A beam of high energy … Useful english dictionary
cathode-ray tube — [kath′ōd′ rā΄] n. a vacuum tube in which a stream of electrons is electromagnetically focused on a fluorescent screen, producing lighted dots: such tubes are used as oscilloscopes and picture tubes: abbrev. CRT … English World dictionary
cathode ray — a flow of electrons emanating from a cathode in a vacuum tube and focused into a narrow beam. [1875 80] * * * Stream of electrons leaving the negative electrode, or cathode, in an evacuated or gas filled discharge tube or emitted by a heated… … Universalium
cathode — /kath ohd/, n. 1. the electrode or terminal by which current leaves an electrolytic cell, voltaic cell, battery, etc. 2. the positive terminal of a voltaic cell or battery. 3. the negative terminal, electrode, or element of an electron tube or… … Universalium
cathode ray — noun Date: 1880 1. plural the high speed electrons emitted in a stream from the heated cathode of a vacuum tube 2. a stream of electrons emitted from the cathode of a vacuum tube usually used in plural … New Collegiate Dictionary
cathode — n. negative terminal; electrode by which current leaves. ♦ cathode particle, electron. ♦ cathode ray, stream of electrons from cathode to anode in discharge tube; ♦ cathode ray tube, vacuum tube in television receiver on fluorescent… … Dictionary of difficult words
cathode rays — negative particles of electricity streaming out in a vacuum tube at right angles to the surface of the cathode and away from it irrespective of the position of the anode. They move in a straight line unless deflected by a magnet. By striking on… … Medical dictionary
cathode ray — /kæθoʊd ˈreɪ/ (say kathohd ray) noun a stream of electrons generated at the cathode during an electric discharge in an evacuated tube …
hot-cathode tube — a vacuum tube in which the cathode is electrically heated to incandescence and in which the stream of electrons depends on the temperature of the cathode … Medical dictionary
electron stream — a stream of negatively charged particles (electrons) moving from cathode to anode across a potential difference in a low pressure gas tube or a vacuum tube … Medical dictionary
cathoderay — cathode ray n. 1. A stream of electrons emitted by the cathode in electrical discharge tubes. 2. One of the electrons that is emitted in a stream from a cathode ray tube. * * * … Universalium