- cathode of X-ray tube
катод рентгеновской трубки
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
cathode ray tube — UK US noun [countable] [singular cathode ray tube plural cathode ray tubes] physics a piece of equipment in televisions and some computers that creates the image on the screen. A beam of high energy … Useful english dictionary
cathode-ray tube — n a vacuum tube in which a beam of electrons is projected on a fluorescent screen to produce a luminous spot * * * a vacuum tube in which the cathode rays are accelerated as a beam to form luminous spots on a fluorescent screen … Medical dictionary
cathode-ray tube — cathode ray tubes N COUNT A cathode ray tube is a device in televisions and computer terminals which sends an image onto the screen. [TECHNICAL] … English dictionary
cathode ray tube — ► NOUN ▪ a high vacuum tube in which cathode rays produce a luminous image on a fluorescent screen, used in televisions and visual display units … English terms dictionary
cathode ray tube — n a piece of equipment used in televisions and computers, in which ↑electrons from the cathode produce an image on a screen … Dictionary of contemporary English
cathode ray tube — (CRT) vacuum tube which displays images when an electron beam falls on a phosphorescent surface (this technology is commonly used in computer monitors and televisions) … English contemporary dictionary
cathode-ray tube — [kath′ōd′ rā΄] n. a vacuum tube in which a stream of electrons is electromagnetically focused on a fluorescent screen, producing lighted dots: such tubes are used as oscilloscopes and picture tubes: abbrev. CRT … English World dictionary
Cathode Ray Tube — [dt. »Kathodenstrahlröhre«], CRT … Universal-Lexikon
cathode ray tube — cathode ray ,tube noun count SCIENCE a piece of equipment in televisions and computers that sends an image to the screen … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Cathode ray tube — Cutaway rendering of a color CRT: 1. Three Electron guns (for red, green, and blue phosphor dots) 2. Electron beams 3. Focusing coils 4. Deflection coils 5. Anode connection 6. Mask for separating beams for red,… … Wikipedia
Cathode ray tube amusement device — The cathode ray tube amusement device is the earliest known interactive electronic game. Thomas T. Goldsmith Jr. and Estle Ray Mann constructed the game from analog electronics and a cathode ray tube (CRT) in 1947.[1] Goldsmith and Mann s patent… … Wikipedia