- calculation of charge
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Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Charge Ponctuelle — Une charge ponctuelle est un modèle idéalisé d une particule qui possède une charge électrique. Une charge ponctuelle est une charge électrique localisée en un point sans dimensions. L équation fondamentale de l électrostatique est la loi de… … Wikipédia en Français
Charge ponctuelle — Une charge ponctuelle est un modèle idéalisé d une particule qui possède une charge électrique. Une charge ponctuelle est une charge électrique localisée en un point sans dimensions. L équation fondamentale de l électrostatique est la loi de… … Wikipédia en Français
Surface charge — is the electric charge present at an interface, for instance on the surface of a semiconductor material, or for example, on the surface of a protein in water.There are multiple factors generating surface charge. First of all, surface charge… … Wikipedia
Automatic calculation of particle interaction or decay — The automatic calculation of particle interaction or decay is part of the computational particle physics branch. It refers to computing tools that help calculating the complex particle interactions as studied in high energy physics, astroparticle … Wikipedia
Point charge — A point charge is an idealized model of a particle which has an electric charge. A point charge is an electric charge at a mathematical point with no dimensions. The fundamental equation of electrostatics is Coulomb s law, which describes the… … Wikipedia
Orders of magnitude (charge) — This page is a progressive and labeled list of the SI charge orders of magnitude, with certain examples appended to some list objects. List of orders of magnitude for charge Factor Multiple Item 10−21 1 zC −53.4 zC (−1/3 e) charge of down,… … Wikipedia
Fixed-Charge Coverage Ratio — A ratio that indicates a firm s ability to satisfy fixed financing expenses, such as interest and leases. It is calculated as the following: For example, since leases are a fixed charge, the calculation determining a company s ability leases… … Investment dictionary
Point particle — Standard model of particle physics Standard Model … Wikipedia
Henderson–Hasselbalch equation — In chemistry, the Henderson–Hasselbalch (often misspelled as Henderson–Hasselbach ) equation describes the derivation of pH as a measure of acidity (using pKa, the acid dissociation constant) in biological and chemical systems. The equation is… … Wikipedia
Hückel method — The Hückel method or Hückel molecular orbital method (HMO) proposed by Erich Hückel in 1930, is a very simple linear combination of atomic orbitals molecular orbitals (LCAO MO) method for the determination of energies of molecular orbitals of pi… … Wikipedia
Ecuación de Henderson-Hasselbalch — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda La ecuación de Henderson Hasselbalch (frecuentemente mal escrito como Henderson Hasselbach) fórmula bioquímica que se utiliza para calcular el pH, de una solución buffer, o tampón, a partir del pKa (la constante de… … Wikipedia Español