- bronze-welding rod
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Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Welding — is a fabrication process that joins materials, usually metals or thermoplastics, by causing coalescence. This is often done by melting the workpieces and adding a filler material to form a pool of molten material (the weld puddle ) that cools to… … Wikipedia
Oxy-fuel welding and cutting — Oxyacetylene redirects here. For the song, see Cubanate. Side of metal, cut by oxygen propane cutting torch … Wikipedia
Gas tungsten arc welding — TIG welding of a bronze sculpture Gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW), also known as tungsten inert gas (TIG … Wikipedia
Arc welding — uses a welding power supply to create an electric arc between an electrode and the base material to melt the metals at the welding point. They can use either direct (DC) or alternating (AC) current, and consumable or non consumable electrodes.… … Wikipedia
Blacksmith — For other uses, see Blacksmith (disambiguation). Blacksmith A blacksmith at work Occupation … Wikipedia
metallurgy — metallurgic, metallurgical, adj. metallurgically, adv. metallurgist /met l err jist/ or, esp. Brit., /meuh tal euhr jist/, n. /met l err jee/ or, esp. Brit., /meuh tal euhr jee/, n. 1. the technique or science of working or heating metals so as… … Universalium
Brazing — This article is about the metal joining process. For the cooking technique, see braising. Brazing practice Brazing is a metal joining process whereby a filler metal is heated above and distributed between two or more close fitting parts by… … Wikipedia
Sword — For other uses, see Sword (disambiguation) and Swords (disambiguation). Swiss longsword, 15th or 16th century A sword is a bladed weapon (edged weapon) used primarily for cutting or thrusting. The precise definition of the term varies with the… … Wikipedia
Timeline of Russian inventions and technology records — The Hall of Space Technology in the Tsiolkovsky State Museum of the History of Cosmonautics, Kaluga, Russia. The exhibition includes the models and replicas of the following Russian inventions: the first satellite, Sputnik 1 (a ball under the… … Wikipedia
Metalworking — Machining a bar of metal on a lathe. Metalworking is the process of working with metals to create individual parts, assemblies, or large scale structures. The term covers a wide range of work from large ships and bridges to precise engine parts… … Wikipedia
building construction — Techniques and industry involved in the assembly and erection of structures. Early humans built primarily for shelter, using simple methods. Building materials came from the land, and fabrication was dictated by the limits of the materials and… … Universalium