crater wear

crater wear
Лунка износа.
Износ, который встречается на поверхности наклона режущего инструмента благодаря контакту с материалом который скользит вдоль данной поверхности.

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язвенный износ

Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "crater wear" в других словарях:

  • Crater wear — Crater wear. См. Лунка износа. (Источник: «Металлы и сплавы. Справочник.» Под редакцией Ю.П. Солнцева; НПО Профессионал , НПО Мир и семья ; Санкт Петербург, 2003 г.) …   Словарь металлургических терминов

  • Tool wear — describes the gradual failure of cutting tools due to regular operation. It is a term often associated with tipped tools, tool bits, or drill bits that are used with machine tools.Types of wear include: * flank wear in which the portion of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Tycho (crater) — Infobox Lunar crater caption = credit: NASA latitude = 43.3 N or S = S longitude = 11.2 E or W = W diameter = 85 km depth = 4.8 km colong = 12 eponym = Tycho BraheTycho is a prominent lunar impact crater located in the southern lunar highlands,… …   Wikipedia

  • Lichtenberg (crater) — lunar crater data latitude=31.8 N or S=N longitude=67.7 E or W=W diameter=20 km depth=1.2 km colong=68 eponym=Georg C. LichtenbergLichtenberg is an isolated lunar crater located in the western part of the Oceanus Procellarum. The nearest crater… …   Wikipedia

  • Kane (crater) — lunar crater data caption=Location of the Kane crater. latitude=63.1 N or S=N longitude=26.1 E or W=E diameter=55 km depth=3.3 km colong=335 eponym=Elisha K. KaneKane is the walled remains of a lunar crater that has been flooded by lava from Mare …   Wikipedia

  • Picard (crater) — lunar crater data latitude=14.6 N or S=N longitude=54.7 E or W=E diameter=23 km depth=2.4 km colong=306 eponym=Jean PicardPicard is a lunar impact crater that lies in the western part of the Mare Crisium. To the west is the almost completely… …   Wikipedia

  • Werner (crater) — lunar crater data latitude=28.0 N or S=S longitude=3.3 E or W=E diameter=70 km depth=4.2 km colong=357 eponym=Johannes WernerWerner is a prominent lunar impact crater that lies in the rugged south central highlands of the Moon. It is almost… …   Wikipedia

  • Theon Senior (crater) — lunar crater data latitude=0.8 N or S=S longitude=15.4 E or W=E diameter=18 km depth=3470 m colong=345 eponym=Theon of SmyrnaTheon Senior is a lunar impact crater that is located to the northwest of Delambre crater, and south of D Arrest crater.… …   Wikipedia

  • Focas (lunar crater) — lunar crater data latitude=33.7 N or S=S longitude=93.8 E or W=W diameter=22 km depth= Unknown colong=94 eponym=Ionnas FocasFocas is a small lunar impact crater that lies on the far side of the Moon, just past the southwestern limb. In this… …   Wikipedia

  • Sklodowska (lunar crater) — lunar crater data latitude=18.2 N or S=S longitude=95.5 E or W=E diameter=127 km depth= Unknown colong=266 eponym=Maria S. CurieSklodowska is a large lunar impact crater that is located on the far side of the Moon. It lies just past the… …   Wikipedia

  • Schjellerup (crater) — lunar crater data latitude=69.7 N or S=N longitude=157.1 E or W=E diameter=62 km depth= Unknown colong=205 eponym=Hans C. F. C. SchjellerupSchjellerup is a lunar impact crater that is located in the far northern latitutes on the Moon s far side.… …   Wikipedia

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