- block gauge
• калибровочная плитка• плитка иогансона
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
block gauge — noun A block of hardened steel with its opposite faces accurately ground and polished flat and parallel, used to check the accuracy of other gauges • • • Main Entry: ↑block … Useful english dictionary
Gauge blocks — (also known as gage blocks, Johansson gauges, slip gauges, or Jo blocks) are precision ground and lapped measuring standards. They are used as references for the setting of measuring equipment such as micrometers, sine bars, dial indicators (when … Wikipedia
gauge block — gauge block, a rectangular block of hard, precision ground, polished metal, usually steel, used to set and control the tolerance of other gauges, such as micrometers … Useful english dictionary
gauge — Synonyms and related words: Johansson block, T square, adjust, amount, amplitude, appraise, appreciate, area, assay, assess, barometer, basis, benchmark, bigness, body, breadth, bulk, calculate, caliber, calibrate, caliper, calipers, call, canon … Moby Thesaurus
gage block — noun : a hardened steel block that is used by machinists for extremely accurate measurement and has two opposite surfaces ground and lapped plane and parallel to a thickness within a few millionths of an inch of its designated size and usually… … Useful english dictionary
gauge block — noun A precision ground template used for the calibration of mechanical measuring devices … Wiktionary
Gauge block — Ограничитель длины; Измерительная плитка … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Roll-block — The roll block system allows a coupled train of standard gauge wagons to be automatically loaded or rolled onto pre coupled narrow gauge transporter wagons so that the train can then continue through a change of gauge. The roll block wagons go… … Wikipedia
Marking gauge — Stanley and Veritas marking gauges A marking gauge, also known as a scratch gauge,[1] is used in woodworking and metalworking to mark out lines for cutting or other operations.[2] … Wikipedia
ANOVA Gauge R&R — (or ANOVA Gauge Repeatability Reproducibility) is a Measurement Systems Analysis technique which uses Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) random effects model to assess a measurement system. The evaluation of a measurement system is not limited to… … Wikipedia
Narrow gauge railroads in the United States — Standard gauge was favored for railway construction in the United States, although a fairly large narrow gauge system developed in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. Isolated narrow gauge lines were built in many areas to minimize construction… … Wikipedia