bed frame

bed frame
фундаментная рама

Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "bed frame" в других словарях:

  • Bed frame — A bed frame or bedstead is the part of a bed used to position a mattress or foundation set off of the floor. Bed frames are typically made of wood or metal. A bed frame is made up of head, foot, and side rails. Most double (full) sized beds,… …   Wikipedia

  • Bed bug — Cimex lectularius Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia …   Wikipedia

  • Bed — A bed audio2|En us bed.ogg is a piece of furniture (or a location) primarily used as a place to sleep, and often used for relaxation.To make beds more comfortable, a mattress is usually placed on top of it. The second layer is the box spring… …   Wikipedia

  • Bed bug control techniques — Cimicidae or bed bugs (sometimes bedbugs), are small parasitic insects.The term usually refers to species that prefer to feed on human blood. Early detection and treatment are therefore critical in success of control. According to a survey, the… …   Wikipedia

  • Bed size — Single size bed Bed size refers to the dimensions of a mattress and the names by which standard sizes are called. Beds themselves vary widely in size according to the degree of ornamentation but are sold according to the size of mattress they… …   Wikipedia

  • Bed sheet — A blue bed sheet A bed sheet is a piece of cloth used to cover a mattress. It is this sheet that one typically lies on. In many areas of the world, a second flat bed sheet is laid on top of the sheet covering the mattress. This is known as a top… …   Wikipedia

  • frame — I UK [freɪm] / US noun Word forms frame : singular frame plural frames ** 1) a) [countable] a structure that forms a border for a picture or mirror and holds it in place a silver photograph frame b) a border around a door or window The window… …   English dictionary

  • frame — frame1 [ freım ] noun ** ▸ 1 border of picture etc. ▸ 2 part of object ▸ 3 one photograph on film ▸ 4 shape of someone s body ▸ 5 box on Internet page ▸ 6 part of game of bowling 1. ) count a structure that forms a border for a picture or mirror… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • bed — n 1. bunk, cot, Brit. lair, U.S. Sl. sack, Brit. Sl. kip; pallet, Inf. tick, mattress, sleeping bag, Chiefly Brit. palliasse couch, lounge, chaise longue, recliner, hammock, litter, stretcher; bedstead, bed frame, four poster, high riser, truckle …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • frame —   Haka kaula i, hakakū (for drying); haka ipu (for hanging calabashes); lā au (picture frame); holopapa (for tapa); o a (of ships); kū (of a bed).    ♦ Frame a picture, ho opa a i ka lā au ki i …   English-Hawaiian dictionary

  • bed — [n1] furniture for sleeping bassinet, bedstead, berth, bunk, chaise, cot, couch, cradle, crib, davenport, divan, mattress, pallet, platform, sack, trundle; concept 443 bed [n2] patch of ground for planting area, border, frame, garden, piece, plot …   New thesaurus

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