- beam current
ток (электронного) пучка
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
electron beam current — elektronų pluošto srovė statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. electron beam current vok. Elektronenstrahlstrom, m rus. ток электронного луча, m; ток электронного пучка, m pranc. courant de faisceau électronique, m … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
Beam-powered propulsion — is a class of spacecraft propulsion mechanisms that use energy beamed to the spacecraft from a remote power plant. Most designs are rocket engines where the energy is provided by the beam, and is used to superheat propellant that then provides… … Wikipedia
Beam search — is a heuristic search algorithm that is an optimization of best first search that reduces its memory requirement. Best first search is a graph search which orders all partial solutions (states) according to some heuristic which attempts to… … Wikipedia
Beam tetrode — The problem of secondary emission in the tetrode tube (valve) was solved by Philips/Mullard with the introduction of a suppressor grid to produce the pentode construction. Since Philips held a patent on this design, other manufacturers were keen… … Wikipedia
BEAM robotics — The word beam in BEAM robotics is an acronym for Biology, Electronics, Aesthetics, and Mechanics . This is a term that refers to a style of robotics that primarily uses simple analog circuits, such as comparators, instead of a microprocessor in… … Wikipedia
Current integrator — A current integrator is an electronic device performing a time integration of an electric current, thus measuring a total electric charge.One application of current integration is in ion beam deposition, where the measured charge directly… … Wikipedia
Electron beam lithography — (often abbreviated as e beam lithography) is the practice of scanning a beam of electrons in a patterned fashion across a surface covered with a film (called the resist),cite book |last= McCord |first=M. A. |coauthors=M. J. Rooks |title=… … Wikipedia
Electron beam welding — (EBW) is a fusion welding process in which a beam of high velocity electrons is applied to the materials being joined. The workpieces melt as the kinetic energy of the electrons is transformed into heat upon impact, and the filler metal, if used … Wikipedia
Electron beam physical vapor deposition — or EBPVD is a form of physical vapor deposition in which a target anode is bombarded with an electron beam given off by a charged tungsten filament under high vacuum. The electron beam causes atoms from the target to transform into the gaseous… … Wikipedia
External beam radiotherapy — otherwise known as teletherapy, is the most frequently used form of radiotherapy. The patient sits or lies on a couch and an external source of radiation is pointed at a particular part of the body. Kilovoltage (also known as Superficial or Deep) … Wikipedia
automatic beam control — (ABC) System in a TV camera which momentarily alters the beam current in the camera tube to reduce the tailing effects on moving highlights … Dictionary of automotive terms