- basic pig iron
томасовский чугун
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.
Pig iron — [ thumb|300px|Two pig iron weights for use in a theatrefly system.] [ puddling process of smelting iron ore to make wrought iron from pig iron, the right half of the illustration (not shown) displays men working a blast furnace, Tiangong Kaiwu… … Wikipedia
pig iron — noun crude iron tapped from a blast furnace • Hypernyms: ↑iron, ↑Fe, ↑atomic number 26 • Hyponyms: ↑basic iron, ↑cinder pig, ↑mine pig, ↑spiegeleisen, ↑spiegel, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
Basic oxygen steelmaking — ( BOS, BOF, Linz Donawitz Verfahren, LD converter ) is a method of steelmaking in which carbon rich molten iron is made into steel. The process is an improvement over the historically important Bessemer process. The LD converter is named after… … Wikipedia
basic-oxygen process — basic( oxygen) process noun A steelmaking process in which oxygen is blown at high pressure through molten pig iron • • • Main Entry: ↑basic … Useful english dictionary
basic(-oxygen) process — noun A steelmaking process in which oxygen is blown at high pressure through molten pig iron ● basic … Useful english dictionary
iron processing — Introduction use of a smelting process to turn the ore into a form from which products can be fashioned. Included in this article also is a discussion of the mining of iron and of its preparation for smelting. Iron (Fe) is a… … Universalium
Iron — Fe redirects here. For other uses, see Fe (disambiguation). This article is about the chemical element. For other uses, see Iron (disambiguation). manganese … Wikipedia
basic oxygen process — a high speed method of steelmaking in which oxygen of high purity is blown through an oxygen lance at high velocity onto the surface of a bath containing steel scrap and molten pig iron within a vessel with a basic lining (basic oxygen furnace).… … Universalium
basic process — noun : a process (as in steelmaking) carried on in a furnace lined with basic material (as magnesite, dolomite, lime, or iron oxide) and under a slag that is dominantly basic opposed to acid process; compare bessemer process * * * basic( oxygen)… … Useful english dictionary
pig — pig1 /pig/, n., v., pigged, pigging. n. 1. a young swine of either sex, esp. a domestic hog, Sus scrofa, weighing less than 120 lb. (220 kg.) 2. any wild or domestic swine. 3. the flesh of swine; pork. 4. a person of piglike character, behavior,… … Universalium
basic iron — noun pig iron containing a high percentage of phosphorus; used in making steel by a process that removes the phosphorus • Hypernyms: ↑pig iron * * * noun : pig iron that contains a high percentage of phosphorus and is used for making steel by a… … Useful english dictionary