back shift

back shift
вечерняя смена

Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "back shift" в других словарях:

  • back shift — ➔ shift1 * * * back shift UK US noun [C] UK (US swing shift) ► WORKPLACE, HR a period of work that begins in the afternoon and usually ends before 12 o clock at night, or the people who work at this time: »After that, they worked five weeks on… …   Financial and business terms

  • back-shift — backˈ shift noun 1. A group of workers whose time of working overlaps or comes between the day shift and the night shift 2. The time this group is on duty • • • Main Entry: ↑back …   Useful english dictionary

  • back shift — n. (British) work shift that starts in the afternoon and ends at night; workers who work during this back shift …   English contemporary dictionary

  • shift — ▪ I. shift shift 1 [ʆɪft] noun [countable] 1. HUMAN RESOURCES one of the set periods of time during each day and night when a group of workers in a factory etc are at work before being replaced by another group of workers: • She works an eight… …   Financial and business terms

  • Shift Out and Shift In characters — Shift Out (SO) and Shift In (SI) are ASCII control characters 14 and 15, respectively (0xE and 0xF).  The original meaning of those characters was to switch to a different character set and back.  This was used, for instance, in the… …   Wikipedia

  • back — back1 [bak] n. [ME bak < OE baec; akin to ON bak, OHG bahho] 1. the part of the body opposite to the front; in humans and many other animals, the part to the rear or top reaching from the nape of the neck to the end of the spine 2. the… …   English World dictionary

  • shift — [n1] switch, fluctuation about face*, alteration, bend, change, changeover, conversion, deflection, deviation, displacement, double, fault, modification, move, passage, permutation, rearrangement, removal, shifting, substitution, tack, transfer,… …   New thesaurus

  • back-pedal — [v] change mind back out of, change opinion, default on, do an about face, do a U turn, fail to honor, go back on, go into reverse, have second thoughts, reconsider, renege, shift one’s ground, sing a different song*, take back; concept 13 …   New thesaurus

  • Back-chaining — is a useful technique in teaching oral language skills, specially with polysyllabic words. Suppose that you re teaching someone to pronounce the name ‘Mussorgsky’. First, you ask him to say the last syllable: sky; then to repeat it with sorg… …   Wikipedia

  • shift — Synonyms and related words: Doppler effect, aberrancy, aberration, about ship, about the bush, about face, accommodation, action, ad hoc measure, adaptation, adjustment, advance, alchemy, alter, alteration, alternate, ameliorate, amelioration,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • shift — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 change ADJECTIVE ▪ distinct, dramatic, fundamental, huge, important, major, marked, massive, profound, pronounced …   Collocations dictionary

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