antiferromagnetism axis

antiferromagnetism axis
ось антиферромагнетизма

Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "antiferromagnetism axis" в других словарях:

  • Ferromagnetism — Not to be confused with Ferrimagnetism; for an overview see Magnetism A magnet made of alnico, an iron alloy. Ferromagnetism is the physical theory which explains how materials become magnets. Ferromagnetism is the basic mechanism by which… …   Wikipedia

  • magnetism — /mag ni tiz euhm/, n. 1. the properties of attraction possessed by magnets; the molecular properties common to magnets. 2. the agency producing magnetic phenomena. 3. the science dealing with magnetic phenomena. 4. strong attractive power or… …   Universalium

  • rock — rock1 rockless, adj. rocklike, adj. /rok/, n. 1. a large mass of stone forming a hill, cliff, promontory, or the like. 2. Geol. a. mineral matter of variable composition, consolidated or unconsolidated, assembled in masses or considerable… …   Universalium

  • Rock — /rok/, n. a male given name. * * * I In geology, a naturally occurring and coherent aggregate of minerals. The three major classes of rock igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic are based on the processes that formed them. These three classes are… …   Universalium

  • Diamagnetism — Levitating pyrolytic carbon Diamagnetism is the property of an object which causes it to create a magnetic field in opposition to an externally applied magnetic field, thus causing a repulsive effect. Specifically, an external magnetic field… …   Wikipedia

  • Magnetic field — This article is about a scientific description of the magnetic influence of an electric current or magnetic material. For the physics of magnetic materials, see magnetism. For information about objects that create magnetic fields, see magnet. For …   Wikipedia

  • Magnet — This article is about objects and devices that produce magnetic fields. For a description of magnetic materials, see magnetism. For other uses, see Magnet (disambiguation) …   Wikipedia

  • Morin transition — The Morin transition (also known as a spin flop transition) is a magnetic phase transition in α Fe2O3 hematite where the antiferromagnetic ordering is reorganized from being aligned perpendicular to the c axis to be aligned parallel to the c axis …   Wikipedia

  • Multiferroics — have been formally defined as materials that exhibit more than one primary ferroic order parameter simultaneously (i.e. in a single phase).[1] The four basic primary ferroic order parameters are ferromagnetism, ferroelectricity, ferroelasticity… …   Wikipedia

  • Mermin–Wagner theorem — In quantum field theory and statistical mechanics, the Mermin–Wagner theorem (also known as Mermin–Wagner–Hohenberg theorem or Coleman theorem) states that continuous symmetries cannot be spontaneously broken at finite temperature in systems with …   Wikipedia

  • Exchange interaction — In physics, the exchange interaction is a quantum mechanical effect without classical analog which increases or decreases the expectation value of the energy or distance between two or more identical particles when their wave functions overlap.… …   Wikipedia

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