X-ray term

X-ray term
рентгеновский терм

Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "X-ray term" в других словарях:

  • X-ray term — rentgeno termas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. X ray term vok. Röntgenterm, m rus. рентгеновский терм, m pranc. terme de rayons X, m …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • Ray (surname) — Ray is a common surname in India, and is also found in many English speaking countries. In India, the same name is also sometimes spelled Roy, and comes from the same root as Raj, which is also the root of the Latin rex (king), English reign and… …   Wikipedia

  • Ray Harryhausen — at Forbidden Planet, London. Born Raymond Frederick Harryhausen June 29, 1920 (1920 06 29) (age 91) Los Angeles, California, U.S …   Wikipedia

  • Ray casting — is the use of ray surface intersection tests to solve a variety of problems in computer graphics. The term was first used in computer graphics in a 1982 paper by Scott Roth to describe a method for rendering CSG models. [Citation last1 = Roth |… …   Wikipedia

  • Ray Barracks, Friedberg, Germany — Ray Barracks was a United States Army installation in Friedberg, Germany until it was closed by the U.S. government in 2007 and returned to the German government. Located in the southern part of the city near the industrial area, the barracks had …   Wikipedia

  • Ray Warren — Ray Rabbits or Rabbs Warren (11 June c.1943? in Junee, New South Wales) is an Australian sports commentator, most famous for his coverage of televised professional rugby league matches on the Nine Network. On occasion he is referred to as The… …   Wikipedia

  • Term limits in Oregon — Term limits legislation – term limits for state and federal office holders – has been a recurring political issue in the U.S. state of Oregon since 1992. In that year s general election, Oregon voters approved Ballot Measure 3, an initiative that …   Wikipedia

  • Ray Twinney — (November 1935 24 December 1994) is the former mayor of Newmarket, Ontario, Canada from 1979 to 1994.Ray Twinney was married to Thelma and fathered two sons.The Newmarket Recreation Complex, officially opened on November 3, 1985, was renamed The… …   Wikipedia

  • Ray Oldenburg — (born 1932 [cite LAF|id=n88 192361] ) is an urban sociologist from Florida who writes about the importance of informal public gathering places for a functioning civil society, democracy, and civic engagement. He coined the term third place and is …   Wikipedia

  • Ray Birdwhistell — (1918 1994) was an American anthropologist who founded kinesics as a field of inquiry and research.Danesi, M (2006). Kinesics. Encyclopedia of language linguistics . 207 213.] The term kinesics was originally coined by Birdwhistell, and he also… …   Wikipedia

  • Ray Johnson — Ray Edward Johnson (1927 1995) was a seminal figure of the Pop Art movement. Primarily a collage artist, Johnson was also an early performance and conceptual artist. Once called “New York’s most famous unknown artist , he is considered the… …   Wikipedia

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