wandering sequence

wandering sequence
последовательность сварки шва отдельными участками вразброс

Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "wandering sequence" в других словарях:

  • No wandering domain theorem — In mathematics, the no wandering domain theorem is a result on dynamical systems, proved by Dennis Sullivan in 1985. The theorem states that a rational map f : Ĉ rarr; Ĉ with deg( f ) ge; 2 does not have a wandering domain, where Ĉ denotes the… …   Wikipedia

  • No-wandering-domain theorem — In mathematics, the no wandering domain theorem is a result on dynamical systems, proven by Dennis Sullivan in 1985. The theorem states that a rational map f : Ĉ → Ĉ with deg(f) ≥ 2 does not have a wandering domain, where Ĉ… …   Wikipedia

  • Swan Sequence — The Swan Sequence (incipit: Clangam, filii I shall cry out, my sons )[1] is an anonymous Carolingian–Aquitainian Latin sequence first recorded around 850.[2] Its melody was popular for some two centuries after its composition.[3] In the sequence… …   Wikipedia

  • biblical literature — Introduction       four bodies of written works: the Old Testament writings according to the Hebrew canon; intertestamental works, including the Old Testament Apocrypha; the New Testament writings; and the New Testament Apocrypha.       The Old… …   Universalium

  • literature — /lit euhr euh cheuhr, choor , li treuh /, n. 1. writings in which expression and form, in connection with ideas of permanent and universal interest, are characteristic or essential features, as poetry, novels, history, biography, and essays. 2.… …   Universalium

  • plate tectonics — plate tectonic, adj. Geol. a theory of global tectonics in which the lithosphere is divided into a number of crustal plates, each of which moves on the plastic asthenosphere more or less independently to collide with, slide under, or move past… …   Universalium

  • Spider bite — redirects here. For The Spider Bite urban legend, see The Spider Bite. Spider bite Classification and external resources Chelicerae of a black wishbone (nemesiid) spider, a mygalomorph …   Wikipedia

  • Europe, history of — Introduction       history of European peoples and cultures from prehistoric times to the present. Europe is a more ambiguous term than most geographic expressions. Its etymology is doubtful, as is the physical extent of the area it designates.… …   Universalium

  • Palindrome — Palindromes redirects here. For the film, see Palindromes (film). See also: Constrained writing A palindrome is a word, phrase, number, or other sequence of units that can be read the same way in either direction, with general allowances for… …   Wikipedia

  • South Asian arts — Literary, performing, and visual arts of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka. Myths of the popular gods, Vishnu and Shiva, in the Puranas (ancient tales) and the Mahabharata and Ramayana epics, supply material for representational and… …   Universalium

  • arts, East Asian — Introduction       music and visual and performing arts of China, Korea, and Japan. The literatures of these countries are covered in the articles Chinese literature, Korean literature, and Japanese literature.       Some studies of East Asia… …   Universalium

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