vertical plant

vertical plant
вертикальная установка

Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "vertical plant" в других словарях:

  • plant disease — ▪ plant pathology Introduction       an impairment of the normal state of a plant that interrupts or modifies its vital functions.       All species of plants, wild and cultivated alike, are subject to disease. Although each species is… …   Universalium

  • Vertical farming — is a proposal to perform agriculture in urban high rises. These building have been called farmscrapers. [ [ Urbanism and the environment | Gristmill: The environmental news blog |… …   Wikipedia

  • Vertical farming — ist eine konzeptionelle Art der Landwirtschaft in Hochhäusern urbaner Gebiete. In diesen Hochhäusern (manchmal auch Farmscrapers [1] genannt) können Nahrungsmittel wie Früchte, Gemüse, Fisch und Viehbestände durch die Nutzung von Treibhäusern und …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • plant development — Introduction       a multiphasic process in which two distinct forms succeed each other in alternating generations. One form, created by the union of sexual cells (gametes (gamete)), contains two sets of similar chromosomes (diploid). At sexual… …   Universalium

  • Plant stem — Stem showing internode and nodes plus leaf petioles A stem is one of two main structural axes of a vascular plant. The stem is normally divided into nodes and internodes, the nodes hold buds which grow into one or more leaves, inflorescence… …   Wikipedia

  • Vertical resistance — The term vertical resistance was first used by J.E. VanderplankVanderplank, J.E. (1963) Plant Diseases: Epidemics and Control. Academic Press, New York and London, 349pp.] to describe single gene resistance. This contrasted the term horizontal… …   Wikipedia

  • Vertical Farming — Designbeispiele für Farmscrapers Vertikale Landwirtschaft oder Vertical Farming (engl.) ist ein Begriff der Zukunftstechnologie, welche eine tragfähige Landwirtschaft und Massenproduktion pflanzlicher und tierischer Erzeugnisse im Ballungsgebiet… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Vertical boiler with horizontal fire-tubes — Blake boiler A vertical boiler with horizontal fire tubes is a type of small vertical boiler, used to generate steam for small machinery. It is characterised by having many narrow fire tubes, running horizontally. Boilers like this have been… …   Wikipedia

  • Glossary of plant morphology terms — Biologists that study plant morphology use a number of different terms to describe plant organs and parts that can be observed with the human eye using no more than a hand held magnifying lens. These terms are used to identify and classify plants …   Wikipedia

  • Diel vertical migration — Diel vertical migration, also known as diurnal vertical migration, is a pattern of movement that some organisms living in the ocean and in lakes undertake each day. Usually organisms move up to the epipelagic zone at night and return to the… …   Wikipedia

  • Tyseley Energy from Waste Plant — The Tyseley Energy from Waste Plant is a large incineration plant in the Tyseley area of Birmingham, England. It burns rubbish and in the process produces electricity for the National Grid.It was built in 1996 by Veolia to a design by Faulks… …   Wikipedia

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