vacuum drying

vacuum drying
вакуумная сушка

Англо-русский словарь терминов металлургии и сварки. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "vacuum drying" в других словарях:

  • Vacuum drying — Вакуумная сушка …   Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии

  • Vacuum engineering — deals with technological processes and equipment that use vacuum to achieve better results than those run under atmospheric pressure. The most widespread applications of vacuum technology are: * Pyrolytic Chromium Carbide Coating * Antireflecting …   Wikipedia

  • Drying — For the food conservation method, see drying (food). Drying is a mass transfer process consisting of the removal of water or another solvent [1] by evaporation from a solid, semi solid or liquid. This process is often used as a final production… …   Wikipedia

  • Vacuum forming — Vacuum forming, commonly known as vacuforming, is a simplified version of thermoforming, whereby a sheet of plastic is heated to a forming temperature, stretched onto or into a single surface mold, and held against the mold by applying vacuum… …   Wikipedia

  • Vacuum swing adsorption — Vacuum Swing Absorption (VSA) is a non cryogenic gas separation technology. Using special solids, or absorbents, VSA segregates certain gases from a gaseous mixture under minimal pressure according to the species molecular characteristics and… …   Wikipedia

  • Vacuum evaporation — is the process of causing the pressure in a container to fall until water s boiling point has been lowered to room temperature. When the process is applied to food and the water is evaporated and removed, the food can be stored for long periods… …   Wikipedia

  • Vacuum — This article is about empty physical space or the absence of matter. For other uses, see Vacuum (disambiguation). Free space redirects here. For other uses, see Free space (disambiguation). Pump to demonstrate vacuum In everyday usage, vacuum is… …   Wikipedia

  • Vacuum packing — Salt baked chicken feet sold in China: vacuum packed and ready to eat Vacuum packing or vacuum packaging is a method of packaging that removes air from the package prior to sealing. It can involve both rigid and flexible types of packaging. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Drying (food) — Flattened fish drying in the sun in Madagascar. Fish are preserved through such traditional methods as drying, smoking and salting.[1] …   Wikipedia

  • Vacuum pump — A vacuum pump is a device that removes gas molecules from a sealed volume in order to leave behind a partial vacuum. The vacuum pump was invented in 1650 by Otto von Guericke. Types Pumps can be broadly categorized according to three… …   Wikipedia

  • vacuum technology — Introduction       all processes and physical measurements carried out under conditions of below normal atmospheric pressure. A process or physical measurement is generally performed in a vacuum for one of the following reasons: (1) to remove the …   Universalium

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